The Dark Crystal
The release date for The Dark Crystal: Age Of Resistance Tactics is now set in February and will expand the story for The Dark Crystal a bit more
All because nostalgia is a thing and people have been wanting more for The Dark Crystal, it looks like we have a release date for the next little chapter of it all. Before you begin to think we have shifted the focus of our content here, we are talking about the upcoming turn-base-strategy title that BonusXP has been working on with En Masse Entertainment to bring us. The one that is slated to hit the PS4, Xbox One, Switch, Mac, and PC. You know, The Dark Crystal: Age Of Resistance Tactics. Well, it looks like we now know when that date will be as it is slated to hit on February 4th of 2020 now. You can unbunch those panties now.
If you have not been paying attention to all of the workings of Netflix, this is the game that is a bit of a companion to the new story of The Dark Crystal: Age Of Resistance that is out there. At least in terms of the story as this one plays out along the same timeline as the other one from the show. Just a different place and all in a turn-based-tactical setting. All so the 15 characters can explore the world of Thra and unite all of the Gelfling clans to take on the Skeksis. That old gem we all should remember from so long ago with the original film of The Dark Crystal and now the show. Has it been a bit convoluted yet?
The Dark Crystal: Age Of Resistance Tactics — Release Date Announcement
En Masse Entertainment, a player-focused publisher dedicated to delivering great games and service, today revealed that The Dark Crystal: Age Of Resistance Tactics, the multiplatform strategy RPG developed by BonusXP and based on the Netflix Original Series, will launch for the Nintendo Switch, PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and PC/Mac on February 4, 2020.
The Dark Crystal: Age Of Resistance Tactics reimagines the world of The Dark Crystal as a tactical strategy game. Drawing upon decades of developer experience, BonusXP aims to deliver a game with both tactical depth for genre veterans and accessibility for those less familiar with turn-based-tactics titles. With over 15 unique characters and jobs to build a party with, players can experiment with hundreds of different unit combinations to form strategies that fit their playstyle. As players explore the fantasy world of Thra, they will embark on an epic quest to unite the seven Gelfling clans against the evil Skeksis in a never-seen-before side story that runs parallel to the Netflix Original Series from earlier this year.
Have you been desperately waiting to get this announcement for The Dark Crystal or is it going to be something on the way back burner for you? Do you think it will be a solid game at all or will it be in the same vein of movie tie-in games of yore? How do you think this will build on the story of the universe or will it be something too minor to care? Let us and the world know what you are thinking down in the comments and then feel free to discuss. If there is more to share for The Dark Crystal: Age Of Resistance Tactics, we will share it all here. Be sure to keep coming back for all of that and much more.