Have you ever played Project Gotham Racing and thought to yourself, this would be awesome if I could get powerups and kill the other cars. Well so did Bizarre Creations and that's why they created Blur.I got a closed door meeting with Bizarre Creations' newest racing title, Blur. Incorporating real cars and locations with arcade power ups, Blur does just that, blurs the line between Project Gotham Racing's realistic physics with Mario Kart's arcade style powerups, Blur is an all new kind of racer. I got to play two tracks, a simple oval style racetrack laden with powerups and wide roadways, and a more urban track (Hackney area of England) with twisty turns and narrow avenues.Several car manufacturers, including Ford, GM, Renault, BMW, and Koeniggsegg (sp) all made appearances and we got assurance from Bizarre Creations's that there would be many more cars added.