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Not The Kind Of Blood Drive You'd Expect
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Tuesday, 14th of September 2010 - 07:56 PM ]
Hey zombie fans who also play video games! Activision has a brand new IP for all of our XBoxes and PS3s coming out this November. Yea, just in time to miss Halloween, but still another "new" IP for us to drop our hard earned cash on. Here's what Blood Drive is all about. In Blood Drive, contestants must use their motorized death steeds of steel in a televised game show where drivers battle each other and hordes of revolting flesh eaters in an all-out fight to the death. Face undead frat boys, cops, strippers and bachelorette partiers, each with their own special brand of death and devastation – and ways to die! While these rotting monsters wander the streets of a desert sin city craving sweet, succulent brains, your enemies have come equipped battle hardened armed vehicles, including heavily weaponized muscle cars, hot rods, and more. Read More...
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