In Blood Drive, contestants must use their motorized death steeds of steel in a televised game show where drivers battle each other and hordes of revolting flesh eaters in an all-out fight to the death. Face undead frat boys, cops, strippers and bachelorette partiers, each with their own special brand of death and devastation – and ways to die! While these rotting monsters wander the streets of a desert sin city craving sweet, succulent brains, your enemies have come equipped battle hardened armed vehicles, including heavily weaponized muscle cars, hot rods, and more. Amidst this gore-drenched mayhem contestants must use their head or lose it! |
Wait a minute… Isn't there a Capcom game coming out here in a few weeks that hosts a game show killing zombies…? Oh yea, that is like the premise of Dead Rising 2. But I guess it doesn't feature death-mobiles strapped with guns and weapons to drive around and blow up the creatures. Wait a second… Isn't that what is going on in all of the Twisted Metal games? Hmmm… New IP indeed.
Well at least they are not trying to milk out a full price for this title that looks thrown together. Right? Oh wait… Damn, $49.99… Well at least it isn't a full price of $59.99 for the XBox and PS3 like they normally are. I also guess it is like getting two games in one for the $49.99 price tag. Just like the God of War Collection. Although that was truly two games in one package.
Thoughts? Will you buy this or just be sated with Dead Rising 2 and then later Twisted Metal?