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AggroCast Episode Sixty Seven: Beer Run
by Brian Bentley [ Wednesday, 28th of April 2010 - 09:19 PM ]
The crew discusses more FFXIII, Pokemon, Perfect Dark, and a couple iPhone games. Bargain Binh sees a huge sale, On The DL wants you to demo a new DS game, and Netflix Pix gets all Sci-Fi. We also discuss Respawn Entertainment, Gears of War 3 and Ubisoft's latest move. The AggroCast is nothing without your support. Please tweet about your love for your AggroCast crew and don't forget to rate and review us on iTunes and the Zune Marketplace. It really only takes a few moments. Read More...
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20 Bands You Might Have Heard Of
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Tuesday, 21st of October 2008 - 10:30 PM ]
Rock Band 2 Free DLC Revealed So if you picked up Rock Band 2 on either XBox or the PS3, you may have seen in the back how to go online and register for another free 20 songs to download for the game. There was also a story on here a while back when the registration page opened up. But there was no information on what songs or bands you could look forward to. Well today they released all the info about this to the public. Below are the songs. Read More...
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Rock Band 2 Ships
by Andy [ Thursday, 11th of September 2008 - 04:25 AM ]
That's right, you heard it. Rock Band 2 has now been shipped. So you should all expect it on September 14th, so grab your friends, grab some cookies or something like that like, and bang on the old drums. From the press release: The award-winning Rock Band 2 standalone software will make its debut on the Xbox 360® video game and entertainment system from Microsoft on Sunday, September 14, 2008 with an exclusive launch window in North America.  Rock Band 2 standalone wireless drums and guitars will also arrive at retail later in the week. In addition, look for the epic Rock Band 2 TV commercial featuring AC/DC’s rock anthem “Let There Be Rock” that premiered during the 2008 MTV Video Music Awards at www. Read More...
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Reality TV, Yet Another Low?
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Tuesday, 9th of September 2008 - 08:37 PM ]
MTV's official Rock Band 2 show!!! (Los Angeles) So, this is still rumor and has been posted only in a few places online as of late, but looking at the ad, it is most likely not a real one. But I thought I would post this due to the comic value of the concept and idea behind it. Why do I think it is a false one, because they ask you to email a GMail account instead of an official MTV account. Just me huh. Any ways, if you don't want to click in and haven't read the title bar, what I am talking about is that "MTV" wants to do a Rock Band 2 reality TV show. Read More...
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RB2 Gets A Ratin'
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Tuesday, 26th of August 2008 - 07:48 PM ]
Rock Band 2: Rated No not and ERSB rating, already knew that would be T, but they rated the difficulty for the songs that are coming out on the disc at launch date. They also were nice enough to break it down by the different categories as well as overall band. No listing of how difficult, like on the current Rock Band Store, but early images show that is how the songs will be sorted out and displayed from the get go in the game. But at least here, you can prep yourself for what is to come. I do like seeing Tenacious D down in the ranks of Megadeth and Judas Priest in the level of difficulty. Read More...
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Pay More For RB2
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Thursday, 21st of August 2008 - 07:56 PM ]
How 'Rock Band 2' Lets You Access First Game's Songs So when RB2 comes out, it is no mystery that you will be able to transfer all of your RB1 songs onto the new game. Well they just started to talk about how this will be done. The only thing that will suck is that it will cost you a small amount of money to do so. How much, well read on. When the game launches, a new patch for RB1 will be released out adding an "Export" option to the menu. Read More...
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Rock Band 2
by Nicki [ Thursday, 3rd of July 2008 - 08:42 PM ]
I, for one, am excited over the next installment of Rock Band. Harmonix did a wonderful job the first time around, so I'm really jumping out of my seat every time I hear something else about it. I'm about to talk about a bunch of rumors I've been hearing around the internets lately, so please just remember that these are rumors, nothing is confirmed.             Here are the basics:You'll be able to play the World Tour with your friends via XBL (finally). There are 80+ songs total. Read More...
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