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Doki Majo Plus Sees Gameplay Upgrades
by Michael Camacho [ Saturday, 9th of May 2009 - 03:30 PM ]
Less than a month ago, it was announced that the SNK Witch Touching series, Doki Doki Majo Shinpan would be getting a new title this summer (Read the article here). The new title Doki Majo Plus, which will be set on an island beach during summer break, has finally released new screens. With the new screens, comes news of more mini-games this time around. No clear specifics on what the mini-games will consist of, but be sure they will add more variety to the game than just battles and witch checking.  Battles will be getting an upgrade with a new powerful technique that won't require the user to use their magic. Read More...
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4Chan Eroge Title Katawa Shoujo Releases Demo
by Michael Camacho [ Sunday, 3rd of May 2009 - 10:04 PM ]
A group of 4Chan /a/ regulars have decided to step away from posting memes and get into Eroge/Hentai game creation. It began in 2007 when an anonymous posting of Doujin work by Raita focusing on character designs for a dating sim revolving around Crippled characters. The lightbulb went off and the small group banded together to bring that idea to reality. Once a dedicated team was fully assembled, they created Four Leaf Studios and began their work.Here is the official description of the game: Katawa Shoujo is a bishoujo-style visual novel set in the fictional Yamaku High School for disabled children, located somewhere in modern Japan. Read More...
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Doki Majo Plus Equals More Witch Touching Fun
by Michael Camacho [ Wednesday, 15th of April 2009 - 01:16 PM ]
As Japanese import game fans know, the Doki Doki Majo Shinpan series was a bold new step in eroge games on the DS. SNK created the series and urged gamers to utilize the stylus to rub, poke, touch, kiss or wink at potential witches to reveal their "Witch mark". It's no wonder to anyone why this series has never seen the light of day outside of Japan.This summer SNK is bringing out a brand new adventure for the Doki Doki series, titled Doki Majo Plus. This side story brings back the cast of the original game as they are on vacation at an island getaway. Read More...
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Ikkitousen EF Limited Edition Figure Revealed!
by Michael Camacho [ Friday, 20th of June 2008 - 08:12 PM ]
Thanks to a Kotaku story, I found out Marvelous has finally announced and revealed the actual figure to be included in the Ikkitousen EF Limited Edition set for the Sony PSP.  As noted prior, it features the mother-daughter team of Hakafu and Goei.  The figure set is actually a pun referring to "Oyako donburi", which means "parent and child donburi" which is a dish made of Rice, Egg and Chicken.  But as interesting as that is, we all know everyone is more interested in the figure itself.  So here is some images of said figure:       Now we know the OBVIOUS joke of "2 Girls 1 cup" here, but it has already been used a few times over on other sites, so we will leave it be. Read More...
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Ikkitousen: Elequent Fist Flashes Us With A Trailer and New Screenshots
by Michael Camacho [ Thursday, 12th of June 2008 - 08:06 PM ]
As the title states, Marvelous has released new screenshots and a nice trailer to go along with them of the upcoming PSP game Ikkitousen: EF. EF stands for Eloquent Fist, which is actually a clever twist on words on Ero-quent.  Ero = erotic or in the Japanese video game scene, Eroge.  And Ero-Quent is a very accurate statement in describing this game.  The trailer entitled "Blast Milk Promotional Video", should clue you in to this trailer definitely being NSFW.  And NSFW it is, as in tune with the show is an abundance of bouncing breasts, panty shots and torn up clothes. Read More...
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Doki Doki Majo Shinpan! 2 Duo Limited Edition Materials Revealed
by Michael Camacho [ Saturday, 17th of May 2008 - 11:31 PM ]
Recently I wrote an article about the revealing of SNK's Doki Doki Majo Shinpan! 2 Duo cover image, and SNK didn't stop there.  Not only did they show off some new in game screen caps, they have announced the bonus materials available to those who order the Limited Edition of the game.  First off, you will find two chibi figures of one of the new characters in the game and returning favorite, Maho (in her signature cheerleading outfit).  Another item included with be a "Pupil Log" with information and images of various students and characters that appear in the game.  Also available in the limited edition box, you will find a cell phone strap featuring the angel and devil mascots, as well as a Soundtrack and special CD-Rom. Read More...
Tags: doki, majo, shinpan, duo, snk, eroge, DS,
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Doki Doki Majo Shinpan! 2 Duo Cover Revealed
by Michael Camacho [ Monday, 12th of May 2008 - 02:23 PM ]
People familiar with the original Doki Doki Majo Shinpan! game from SNK Playmore, know the game got a lot of press due to the fact you revealed witches by touching, looking at and kissing girls' bodies.  Well, after a huge success in Japan, SNK announced the sequel earlier this year, much to the delight of fans.  Now SNK has revealed the box art and announced a release date for the next installment.  It will be released on July 31st, 2008 and will feature a standard edition and a limited edition (according to NCSX will include a special CD, a student guidebook and Angel/Devil mascots. Read More...
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