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Marvel Ultimate Alliance 2 - Ultimate Character Reveal (Iron Fist)
by Jesse [ Tuesday, 4th of August 2009 - 02:34 AM ]
If there’s one thing comic books have taught me, it’s that billionaires with martial arts skills work. It probably the combination of deadly skills and giant piles of money, but they rock. Bruce Wayne/Batman is a humanitarian and one of the scariest heroes on the planet. T’Challa/Black Panther is the king of Wakanda, a prosperous and technologically advanced African nation. But along with everyone else you could possibly think of, Danny Rand as Iron Fist is easily one of the coolest and he’s finally getting the exposure he deserves. Danny Rand was born in New York City to Wendell and Heather Rand. Read More...
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[PSP Import Review] Ikki Tousen: Eloquent Fist
by Michael Camacho [ Saturday, 25th of October 2008 - 05:44 AM ]
Ikki Tousen is a fan service anime, all about breasts, fighting, pantsu, Chinese history and more breasts. So with the PSP release of Ikki Tousen: Eloquent Fist, Marvelous Entertanment brings us a toned downed eroge side scrolling beat-'em-up of the anime.  While you won't see any type of nudity, there are more than enough suggestive images that unlock throughout the game. The game is out in Japan only, and most likely will never see a U.S. Read More...
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Ikkitousen: Elequent Fist Flashes Us With A Trailer and New Screenshots
by Michael Camacho [ Thursday, 12th of June 2008 - 08:06 PM ]
As the title states, Marvelous has released new screenshots and a nice trailer to go along with them of the upcoming PSP game Ikkitousen: EF. EF stands for Eloquent Fist, which is actually a clever twist on words on Ero-quent.  Ero = erotic or in the Japanese video game scene, Eroge.  And Ero-Quent is a very accurate statement in describing this game.  The trailer entitled "Blast Milk Promotional Video", should clue you in to this trailer definitely being NSFW.  And NSFW it is, as in tune with the show is an abundance of bouncing breasts, panty shots and torn up clothes. Read More...
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Fistful of Frags Update
by Aaron BlueWolf72 Molloy [ Thursday, 8th of May 2008 - 05:41 AM ]
The Fistful of Frags Website now offers a new version 1.40 beta for this western-themed modification for Half-Life 2. Here's a description of the new version: "Version 1.4 is our most complete release until now, isn´t easy to summarize the amount of work from a lot of people which beta 1.4 has supposed. There are 2 new maps, many fixes and changes in existing levels, the much awaited dual peacemakers, many new sound effects and taunts, new music, final vigilante player model and a brand new feature to play with: whiskey! Read More...
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