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Adventures In Babysitting
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Thursday, 6th of March 2008 - 11:55 PM ]
I Have To Kill The Babysitter... Ok, this has been a blaring issue that I see gets swept aside constantly in today’s society. The Babysitter effect. If you have no clue what I am talking about, then you need to pick up a copy of The Cable Guy or watch it next time it is on TV. This factor is something that is running more and more rampant since the TV became a staple in every home in the, well the civilized world. Let me explain to help those who have not aught up yet. This effect it the idea that more and more parents have that they can leave children in front of the TV and have them stay occupied there. Read More...
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They're Not Dolls!
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Wednesday, 5th of March 2008 - 07:00 PM ]
New Halo Figures Out From McFarlane Toys They are action figures. In fact they are action figures of one of the most popular games on the Xbox system. McFarlane is also know for having some of the best figurines ever made. I know I have a slew of them in my pad just cause they are so frigging cool to look at. That being said, you can now pick up the set of figures and play out you Halo fantasies like Darth Helmet in Spaceballs. Here is a list of what is out now, there will be another set come June this year so if you don't see one you like here, just wait until then. Read More...
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Kai Kicks Nariko Out…
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Wednesday, 5th of March 2008 - 06:52 PM ]
Info about Heavenly Sword II We all knew it would happen, with Heavenly Sword being a huge game. Not to mention being featured on Heroes. Good news on this is that it has been written already and production is going. Another interesting thing that people didn't know is that they were asking us normal folk, from here on in Normies, our opinions. Before you ask "Where?", it was a focus group out of Chicago last night. Read More...
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New Bronze Age for the PSP
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Tuesday, 4th of March 2008 - 05:47 PM ]
Japan Gets A New Color For The PSP - Bronze Not only do they get all the new stuff first, they also get all the other iterations of colored PSPs. Coming on the 24th of April, they can add yet another color to their arsenal of colored PSP. It will be a Bronze color, like the title said (Yea I know, big surprise right?). This of course comes about a month after the Monster Hunter limited edition version of the PSP. Read More...
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Slashing Prices Like Jason Voorhees
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Tuesday, 4th of March 2008 - 05:15 PM ]
Annalist think there will be another Price cut for the PS3 It is nothing official announced by Sony at all, but looking at it from a financial stand point, it makes sense. They have been trying to break even on the cost of production and advertisement costs that they have already paid. Hence the high price at launch, and really right now as well. But with the announcement of Blu-Ray being the new video format and the fact that there are a bunch of new bundles coming, they should be in the green very soon. Which brings us to why the price cut. Read More...
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