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It Is Time To Run For The Release Of Escape From Naraka
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Monday, 2nd of August 2021 - 09:00 PM ]
Escape From Naraka Escape From Naraka is finally out there to show off more of the environments that Escape From Naraka lifted from the real world We have had it on here many times now, and now we can all kick back and enjoy what Escape From Naraka has to offer up for us. That is, the game has launched out there and we have one more push to let the gamers know that XeloGames has put their soul into this title on the PC. This is the FPS parkour title that will have us running through parts of the game would that come from scans of the real world out there. They have been hit with a few alterations to make them work and flow better in Escape From Naraka, but that is the case in all video games to make them enjoyable. Read More...
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Escape From Naraka Shows Off Its RTX Capabilities
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Wednesday, 21st of July 2021 - 05:00 PM ]
Escape From Naraka Escape From Naraka will leverage the power of the DLSS with a bit more gameplay to enjoy for Escape From Naraka In just a week, we will have a chance to dive in and start running around in the world of Escape From Naraka. July 29th is the day that it will hit the PC and it has been shaping up fairly well since it was first announced. Now we get to see how much further XeloGames has been pushing things with a look at how the power of the NVidia DLSS will help Escape From Naraka with the visuals and how smooth things could go out there. For those out there that are able to use that power or have been lucky to score one in the recent shortages. Read More...
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Escape From Naraka Is Now Set To Launch At The End Of This July
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Friday, 25th of June 2021 - 05:00 PM ]
Escape From Naraka The release date for Escape From Naraka is now set for the end of July and PC gamers will soon be able to run through Escape From Naraka The Sumer releases keep flowing out there with Escape From Naraka getting its release date slipped out there during one of the smaller shows during E3 this year. It may not have been the biggest title that we have been keeping an eye on, but XeloGames has been toiling away at it and now we will see it hit the PC on July 29th. That is if you did not want to get in on an early demo of Escape From Naraka that might still be out there by the time you read this. Read More...
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Escape From Naraka Is Announced And Running Us To Some Exotic Places
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Wednesday, 26th of May 2021 - 07:00 PM ]
Escape From Naraka A new first-person survival platformer, Escape From Naraka, is announced with us running to try to Escape From Naraka and its mythology Get those virtual running shoes on, as we have another platformer in a first-person view coming at us with Escape From Naraka having its announcement here. This would be the latest title from XeloGames and Headup heading to the PC in Q3 of this year that looks to take us to some mystical lands while we run to survive it all. All forms of Balinese legends and mythologies will be abound in Escape From Naraka as we try to master the speed and running of the world while trying to dodge all of the dangers it might possess. Read More...
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