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Rift Releases Dynamic Content Update Less Than 30 Days After Launch
by Corey Dockendorf [ Friday, 1st of April 2011 - 03:40 PM ]
Well that was quick! Rift, the latest MMO by Trion Worlds and SyFy channel has been out for less than a month and already we are getting a major content release from them. On March 30th, Alsbeth began her reign of terror on Telara, and it ain't pretty. The latest content release actually is a multi-tier event.  The first phase of the event is going on right now, and the second event begins April 9th.  After that we will see the next phase and the opening of the newest Raid Zone: River of Souls at the end. Read More...
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Rift Open Beta Starts February 15th
by Corey Dockendorf [ Tuesday, 8th of February 2011 - 09:45 PM ]
This past weekend gave us the 6th beta test for Rift, the latest MMO title by Trion games. Probably one of the more successful stress tests I've seen so far. Now not even 24 hours after the beta closed we get news that an open beta will be available starting next week! Not only that, there is loot to be had for those brave enough to delve deep into the dungeons! Players who can defeat ANY dungeon boss could be entered to win a brand new NVIDIA GeForce GTX 460 video card. Ten other lucky entrants will win an In-Game Prize packs for just killing dungeon bosses. Read More...
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New Rift Cinematic Trailer
by Corey Dockendorf [ Friday, 28th of January 2011 - 06:12 PM ]
With less than 24 hours until the latest Rift Beta ends, Trion Worlds releases its latest three minute cinematic trailer and it looks great. If you haven't heard about Rift yet this is the latest MMO from Trion Worlds coming out March 1st 2011. Rift pits the religion vs. technology in an epic war between two factions, the Guardians and the Defiants. Now we've seen that formula more than once but the kicker here is while you're busy fighting each other another war wages on from the skies as Rifts randomly open around the world and dump big baddies all over the ground to make your life miserable. "Adventure in the world of Telara as either a noble Guardian or techno-magical Defiant and enter a dynamic fantasy where 8 primal forces battle for control in an ever-changing landscape. Read More...
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