The latest content release actually is a multi-tier event. The first phase of the event is going on right now, and the second event begins April 9th. After that we will see the next phase and the opening of the newest Raid Zone: River of Souls at the end.
Starting Wednesday, Alsbeth the Discordant will lead massive invasions across every zone in Telara, raising legions of liches, ettins, and gravemakers to battle Ascended. Over the course of about a week, participating players of any level fighting these invaders can earn hundreds of new items including exclusive rewards, such as a Spectral Horse and a transmogrifying disguise that turns Ascended into the rotting undead. But be warned: once the rifts are sealed, these items are gone forever. |
Limited in-game items, rifts opening up all over the Telara, mass hysteria; this event has been quite entertaining. Also for those few that have already made it to level 50 and for some odd reason ran out of end-game content, heres the trailer for the latest Raid Zone.
If Ascended are successful in their efforts to drive back the invasions, they can journey to the “River of Souls” 20-man raid zone at the edge of the Plane of Death where Alsbeth the Discordant is reanimating the recently departed and recruiting them into Regulos’ army. Guardian and Defiant heroes will have to wade through these decaying hordes to reach Alsbeth and make her account for her abhorrent crimes. |
Here's a little more background on the River of Souls, for all you lore geeks out there.
When they die, every Telaran’s spirit is swept up in the comforting embrace of the Soulstream: a river of intermingling souls drifting through the aether along the border of the Plane of Death. Though he corrupted the Plane of Death to serve his whims, Regulos was never able to influence the Soulstream. Or this was the case. Recently, priests have been wracked with visions of souls howling in agony, torn too soon from this celestial river. Scholars ponder the case of Asha Catari, plucked from the Soulstream, tempted and tortured by Regulos himself. Could it be that the Devourer of Worlds has access to the River of Souls itself? |
What do you think about the content release coming so quick after launch? Does this raise your expectations for content from here on out? Will players be happy with little content updates rather than large content updates annually? Will this hurt Trion Worlds in the short run? I know one thing for sure, I am definitely partaking in all the shenanigans that ensue.