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Syndrome Will Be Launching To The Switch Very Soon
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Friday, 4th of March 2022 - 08:00 PM ]
Syndrome The Switch launch for Syndrome is almost here with the release date given to us all for Syndrome The games just keep rolling out there for the Switch, as we will now be seeing Syndrome land out there extremely soon. How soon? Well, Camel 101 and RedDeer Games will be ready to drop the game on the new platform on March 11th now. That is fairly soon for those keeping track now and those looking up anything for Syndrome after that date. All so more of us can see if we can trust the voices in the head of our protagonist who is trying to survive until help comes to save the day. Read More...
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The Killing I Starting On The Switch With Syndrome
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Tuesday, 4th of January 2022 - 06:00 PM ]
Syndrome Syndrome is coming out to us again with the announcement that Syndrome is heading its way over to the Switch soon Talk about a huge wait here, as we have the announcement that Syndrome will be making the leap from the PS4, Xbox One, and PC over to the Switch soon. It has been about five years since Camel 101 gave this survival game to us and now it looks like they are getting RedDeer Games into the mix to bring it out there again. Just so some of us can take Syndrome on the move a bit more than we have been able to before. That and not bring the traditional style of video game to us all on the platform here. Read More...
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Another Horror Title In Space As Syndrome Is Announced
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Wednesday, 30th of September 2015 - 09:00 PM ]
Syndrome A new horror title named Syndrome has been announced and it looks like it is taking pages from all kinds of horror video games out there Horror fans you can add another title into the list as it looks like Syndrome has been announced and is coming to the PS4, Xbox One, PC, Mac, and Linux platforms in Q2 of 2016. No this is not a horror title about what would happen if the villain from The Incredibles won the day but a sci-fi horror title being made by Camel 101 and Bigmoon Entertainment. Syndrome may not need that definition after you see how it is slated to bring the classic horror genre back into video games. Read More...
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