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Morbid: The Lords Of Ire Launches Us Back To Our Sacred Duties
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Friday, 17th of May 2024 - 05:00 PM ]
Morbid Launch into the lands of Morbid: The Lords Of Ire with the game landing out there and making the world more morbid The lands of Ire are calling us with the launch of Morbid: The Lords Of Ire on the PS4, PS5, Xbox One, Xbox Series X|S, Switch, and PC as of today. This would be the new sequel in the IP that Still Running and Merge Games have been getting up and running for us and we have had a few teases before. All so we can see where the story of Morbid: The Seven Acolytes is heading and how the team has made some improvements and changes to the newer title to make sure we are always having as much fun as possible. Fun that you can have right now if you want to download the game or in a physical form if you are looking to experience it on specific platforms too. Read More...
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Morbid: The Lords Of Ire Will Be Ready To Enjoy A Little Sooner
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Tuesday, 23rd of April 2024 - 07:00 PM ]
Morbid The release date for Morbid: The Lords Of Ire has been moved up a little bit to give us more Morbid a week earlier It looks like the Lords Of Ire did not want to wait any longer for us all to attack, which is why we now see that Morbid: The Lords Of Ire is going to be dropping a little bit earlier than originally reported. I am also going to guess this means that Still Running and Merge Games were able to get things running smoothly on the PS5, Xbox One, Xbox Series X|S, Switch, and PC more than anything. That is also something to celebrate while we wait for this new addition to the Morbid line of games. Read More...
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We Have A Release Date Set Now For The Upcoming Morbid: The Lords Of Ire
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Thursday, 15th of February 2024 - 10:00 PM ]
Morbid Get ready to head back into the Morbid world with the release date set for Morbid: The Lords Of Ire on all platforms May seems to be stacking up a whole lot of video game releases and we can now add Morbid: The Lords Of Ire to the release schedule of the month. That is, we finally have a release date for the game that Still Running and Merge Games have been working on to further out the world and universe of the IP. Let us all start marking up our calendars again, as Morbid: The Lords Of Ire will now be hitting the PS5, Xbox Series X|S, Switch, and PC on May 23rd. If that has you further interested, you can currently give a small demo a try on some of those platforms to further secure your hype for this title. Read More...
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