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Review: Need For Speed Most Wanted
by Greg Tatterfield [ Wednesday, 7th of November 2012 - 09:37 PM ]
Need For Speed Most Wanted marks the second Need For Speed developed by Criterion. Most Wanted is a re-imaging of one the best received entry in the long running series. How does the new game hold up? Find out in my review. Hated: Perhaps what I hated most about Most Wanted is the fact that it just does not feel like Need For Speed anymore. Most Wanted resembles Burnout more then Need For Speed. I felt like they just took Need For Speed and just turned it into a Burnout Paradise sequel with cops. Read More...
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Need For Speed Most Wanted's Hot Rides
by Greg Tatterfield [ Monday, 13th of August 2012 - 07:17 PM ]
If you are anticipating the release of Need For Speed Most Wanted you are in luck. If you are attending Gamecom next week you will be able to get some hands on time with the game. Criterion announced that they will be in attendance to give people an early look at the game. If you can't make it we will keep you updated on any new released information. To get you ready I have compiled a list of confirmed cars that will be in the game. Criterion also released a teaser for a new multiplayer trailer that you can see below. Read More...
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