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SYNCED Will Be Launching Our Teams Out Together This Coming Summer
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Tuesday, 4th of April 2023 - 09:00 PM ]
SYNCED A release window for SYNCED is set for this Summer for those looking to see what SYNCED, a Sci-Fi shooter, will hold Here we go with another free-to-play title on the way to us in the form of SYNCED, a new Sci-Fi shooter, that is poised to bring us all into another form of the future soon. A future that Level Infinite and NExT Studios is showing to be devastated by all manner of technology with nano-infestations and all manner of other horrible AI out there. Just as one would normally want in a shooter as SYNCED looks to be. Read More...
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Review — Iris.Fall
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Wednesday, 13th of January 2021 - 10:00 PM ]
Iris.Fall We sit down and review Iris.Fall. A puzzle game all about the light and shadows. Here is our review of Iris.Fall In a world of fast-paced shooters and gritty adventure games, it is nice to see titles like Iris.Fall have a chance to get out there and shine. Sure, it had its time on the PC a little bit ago, but it felt like it went under the radar for many out there and it is time for NExT Studios to give all of the PlayStation, Xbox, and Switch games a chance to experience what this puzzle game has to offer. This is why we are here yet again to dive into Iris.Fall and give you our review on how the game holds up and managed to handle on the consoles we are all gathering around currently. Read More...
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