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Let's Re-cap Final Fantasy XIII Before Lightning Returns Comes Out
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Tuesday, 4th of February 2014 - 06:00 PM ]
Square Enix has given us a nice little recap of the whole story of Final Fantasy XIII up until now. Just in time for Lightning Returns. I am not one for the 'retro' gaming thing but I would be lying if I didn't get a kick out of the latest re-cap video for Final Fantasy XIII. It is all set up so that anyone who has yet to play Final Fantasy XIII or Final Fantasy XIII 2 can get a run down before Lightning Returns comes out and that they shouldn't need to play the other titles to be able to shell out their cash for the new game. Ok, so that was a lie. While the eight minute video for Final Fantasy XIII is a fun re-cap, there are so many things that are glossed over in the story here. Read More...
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Here's All The Ways That Lightning Returns Final Fantasy XIII Has Evolved Combat
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Tuesday, 28th of January 2014 - 09:59 PM ]
Lightning Returns Final Fantasy XIII is bringing a lot of changes to the franchise with it. Here's a look at how the combat has evolved from the previous title. By now I am sure a good chunk of you have played the Lightning Returns Final Fantasy XIII demo on your respectful consoles. I know I have and I was intrigued and bothered by what I got to play. But this isn't a "review" or hand on kind of thing so we will save all of that for later. Yea I know, boo…hiss… I'll deal with it. Read More...
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Lightning Returns: Final Fantasy XIII Is Bringing Customization To A New Franchise High
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Thursday, 17th of October 2013 - 10:52 PM ]
Here we go with some new gameplay for Lightning Returns: Final Fantasy XIII. Not only is it gameplay though but it is a showcasing of some of the new locations, missions, combat, and customization you will be getting when it hits this February. Speaking on customization, to me that is the real focus here in the video with sub-title descriptions. I am not talking just changing some armor pieces or paradigms. From the looks of things we will get to customize our combat and quick attack methods by mapping specific attacks to the buttons on the controller for one. Read More...
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Can't Wait For Lightning Returns FFXIII? Here's The Opening Cinematic
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Thursday, 3rd of October 2013 - 05:15 PM ]
Man February 11th is so far off for all of us not living in Japan or willing to import Lightning Returns: Final Fantasy XIII. Wouldn't it be great if we could spoil the opening to the game well in advance of the official launch in Japan? You know it would be and I figured as much so here it is in all of its glory; in English at that. Now we don't have to wait or have to watch the dubbing/subtitled versions hitting the web shortly after the Japanese launch. In case you are worried about spoilers or anything, I wouldn't worry too much unless you are still playing through the first two games in the Final Fantasy XIII storyline. Read More...
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It's Not Versus XIII, But We Have A New Lightning Returns: Final Fantasy XIII Trailer
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Friday, 7th of June 2013 - 10:32 PM ]
It looks like they were not kidding when Square Enix wanted to have the Final Fantasy XIII world run for years. We'll be moving into about 5 now with the release of Lightning Returns: Final Fantasy XIII and the hopes of Final Fantasy Versus XIII still looming around. There are again rumors that we will get some news on that at E3, but as I just said that is just rumor. That is also not what we are doing here right now either. Below we have a nice, what looks to be like, in-game E3 trailer for Lightning Returns: Final Fantasy XIII. Read More...
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