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This Week In Video Games 4/25/16 — 4/29/16
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Friday, 29th of April 2016 - 11:00 PM ]
Video Games A Lot Has Gone On This Week. Here's A Recap Of What We Covered In Video Games One more week in video games in the bag and so much happened and are still yet to happen. I am so excited to have seen some new footage of actual in-game play of Friday The 13 and official word on a new Borderlands title on the way. That is not to play down all of the other news for Dead Island and Space Hulk that also cropped up this week. We really need to get more hours in the week to be able to cover all of these video games now don't we? Read More...
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Review — JettyCat Towers (Mobile)
by Dakota B. Johnson [ Friday, 29th of April 2016 - 09:00 PM ]
JettyCat Towers Going up with JettyCat the cool cat with a jetpack in JettyCat Towers JettyCat Towers is a mobile game developed by Andrej Preradovic of Ohsat Games. JettyCat looks very nice. I feel like he will make a good mobile game mascot being a very cute cat with a jetpack. The game has thirty levels divided up into three towers; with the third tower being a master challenge that requires you to collect 170 coins scattered across the past two towers. The controls are simple: tap left to go left, tap right to go right, and hold both to go straight. The first tower consists of rooms that have salmon colored walls and yellow block backgrounds. Read More...
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