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This Week In Video Games 6/1/20 — 6/5/20
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Friday, 5th of June 2020 - 11:00 PM ]
Video Games A lot has gone on this week in video games. Here is a recap of what we covered in the world of video games on the site this week Well, this week is over and it was an insane one and not in the way of video games here. We will not dive into that, but given that there were a lot more fluff pieces and only a few updates for titles like The Last Of Us Part II and Godfall, one can get a bit of an idea of it all. That is, if they are not just living in all of the bullshit we have right now. It is what it is and, thankfully, we have our video games to fall back on. Read More...
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GTFO Is Adding In The Vessel As A New Rundown Soon
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Tuesday, 2nd of June 2020 - 05:00 PM ]
GTFO One more rundown is coming to GTFO in June with The Vessel adding a bunch of new things into the world of GTFO A new update is coming to GTFO here on June 11th for the currently running Early Access on PC. Not just the usual ones that will keep the game up and flowing properly, but something that will further expand 10 Chambers Collective's title just a bit more. This would be in terms of a new Rundown to be had in the game to keep things flowing in GTFO. More or less what we would assume to keep coming here with the way the game goes. Read More...
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This Week In Video Games 3/23/20 — 3/27/20
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Friday, 27th of March 2020 - 11:00 PM ]
Video Games A lot has gone on this week in video games. Here is a recap of what we covered in the world of video games on the site this week Another week of isolation down and more time to play all of these video games we have on our lists. Well, more keep an eye on some of them as we really only had DOOM Eternal and Moons Of Madness keeping our eyes over here. One with a review on the site and the other with one in progress. All while we wait for the release of Resident Evil 3 and Final Fantasy VII Remake here in a few weeks. Read More...
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An Infection Rundown Is Here To Watch & Enjoy For GTFO
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Monday, 23rd of March 2020 - 07:00 PM ]
GTFO New gameplay for GTFO is here to show off some of the new features coming to the GTFO Early Access very soon If you have not been playing the Early Access for GTFO as of yet or you have been out of the loop on the game recently, then we have a nice little update for you to enjoy here. That is, we have a new developer video to see as the team over at 10 Chambers Collective plays through a bit more of the game and shows us something that will be hitting the Early Access on March 31st. All forms of monsters and weapons are out there in GTFO and now we are getting just a bit more. Even if it does look like the game is so tough that even the devs are not able to make it through the missions. Read More...
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Here Is The Rundown On How Things Will Play Our In GTFO
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Friday, 22nd of November 2019 - 08:00 PM ]
GTFO A new breakdown of GTFO's Rundown mode is here to explain one of the gameplay loops coming to GTFO in Early Access As it was figured, it looks like GTFO is heading to an Early Access on Steam this year and with it will be coming its newly announced gameplay loop. This one being called "The Rundown" and it will drive forward how we all will experience the game in this form. That is, it looks like 10 Chambers Collective will be releasing out various "challenges" in GTFO that will be the missions we and our friends will have to undertake. All of which will only be out there for a set amount of time and will require things to be done in that allotment. Read More...
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GTFO Gameplay Offers Up Some New Horrors Before The Next Alpha Test
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Tuesday, 29th of October 2019 - 07:00 PM ]
New gameplay for GTFO is here to show off how even the developers are full of fear while playing GTFO in alpha form Just in time for Halloween, we have some new gameplay for GTFO to dive into and get freaked out over. Not only that, but it is also all given to us by the developers over at 10 Chambers Collective so we can see just how the team fares at their own game. All before the next big Alpha test that will be going off for those who have signed up for the Ambassador Program for the PC release of GTFO. You know, all the standard stuff that goes on with these kinds of games as of late. Read More...
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Peek A Bit More Behind The Curtain With The Latest For GTFO
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Tuesday, 26th of February 2019 - 08:00 PM ]
GTFO A new behind the scenes video for GTFO is here to show off the different aspects and challenges the developers had to bring us GTFO We have even more for GTFO to take in now as we all wait for the pending release of the game. 10 Chambers Collective still states Spring of this year for the game to hit us, but nothing specific is laid out just yet. That is a bit of a downer, but at least we have more to take in for the game to see how it is shaping up and just how the team is handling a few things. One is the fact that GTFO is a co-op game and will require more than just shooting things together along the way. Read More...
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GTFO Will Be Getting More Cinematic When It Comes To Streaming
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Wednesday, 24th of October 2018 - 07:00 PM ]
GTFO New technology is coming to GTFO that will allow for a virtual director to control the shots and angles of what is streamed while playing GTFO It is always nice to see emerging technologies coming out for video games and in general and now we have one more in the works with GTFO spearheading it when it releases. The game that is and not just the tech as it looks like 10 Chambers Collective is only the first to be using the new feature of the Unity engine with other soon to follow I am assuming. Especially after they see how a novice can make a pretty solid looking game match stream look in GTFO using the CineCast option in the game. Read More...
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Even The Shadows Of GTFO Will Hunt You Down
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Monday, 16th of July 2018 - 05:00 PM ]
GTFO A new enemy for GTFO is revealed and it makes hunting in the shadows of GTFO even more deadly for us to do in the game Another enemy type is here out of the depths of GTFO for us to fear as it comes from many of the aspects of the game that will add to the horror. It is not rare for horror style games to use shadows to build up fear and terror, but it looks like 10 Chambers Collective has gone one-step further to make them a physical threat as well. It may not sound like the craziest of monsters or enemies to be out there, but stick with me here as GTFO seems to take it even further that we could have thought. It could only get worse as we wait until sometime this year for it to hit the PC. Read More...
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Meet Another New Enemy For GTFO Just Before E3
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Monday, 4th of June 2018 - 07:00 PM ]
GTFO A few new screenshots for GTFO have popped up just before E3 and they show off more of GTFO as well as a new enemy to track us down Here we go with another title jumping the E3 gun here with GTFO showing us all a little more for the game just before it has a larger showing out at the event itself. My guess is that 10 Chambers Collective did not want to have all of those who could not make it out to see the first demo of the game to feel left out at all. That is why we are here right now with a few new screenshots for GTFO today and a very small amount of new information. Read More...
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It Is Time To GTFO With Some New Gameplay For The Game
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Monday, 18th of December 2017 - 10:00 PM ]
GTFO New gameplay for GTFO is out there and it gives a better feel for how GTFO will look and play when it finally launches in 2018 Here we go with more gameplay for GTFO than what we had before. Granted, before it was all a tease for what we have now, but that does not change the fact that we have some new and solid gameplay from 10 Chambers Collective to look at here and see just what is going on in this game. It is an FPS as we all could have guessed from the teases, but it looks like GTFO is going to be much more than that. At least in terms of atmospheric feelings and sights to be had in the game. Read More...
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