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This Week In Video Games 1/22/19 — 1/25/19
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Saturday, 26th of January 2019 - 12:00 AM ]
Video Games A lot has gone on this week in video games. Here is a recap of what we covered in the world of video games on the site this week It is now time to put this week behind us so we can dive into those new video games here. We just had the Resident Evil 2 Remake drop on us as well as the latest episode for Life Is Strange 2, so we have a lot to keep us busy here this weekend. Not only that but we have a whole slew of other video games dropping on us soon with Kingdom Hearts III only days away and then all of the others that come out in February like Metro Exodus. So much excitement that I can hardly keep typing away here. Read More...
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Review — FutureGrind
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Tuesday, 22nd of January 2019 - 10:00 PM ]
FutureGrind We sit down and review FutureGrind. A new stunt-platformer that adds a twist to light cycles. Here is our review of FutureGrind As the sea of shooters and RPGs seem to be starting up soon, it is time to take in something a bit less traditional and independent with FutureGrind. A new stun-platforming title that has launched from Milkbag Games to give us all another trial and tribulation on our PS4, Switch, and PC. All while keeping a future and cyberpunk style look about it with the other challenges. This, of course, leads to the question of how good FutureGrind actually is. Read More...
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The Release Date For FutureGrind Is Almost Here For Us All
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Wednesday, 9th of January 2019 - 08:00 PM ]
FutureGrind FutureGrind is almost here as the release date for FutureGrind is set along with a new launch trailer to give us a new look at the game Get ready for the next extreme sport as FutureGrind is coming at us on the PS4, PC, and Switch on January 22nd. That is if you find driving a light cycle through the air where you can explode by not aligning colors an extreme sport. That does sound like one to me and soon we will see what Milkbag Games has done for us. Of course, that may not be the best description of FutureGrind as of right now, but it is what we have to go with as we move toward the release date. Read More...
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