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Take A Breath & Get Ready To Enjoy Fracked On The PC
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Thursday, 5th of May 2022 - 09:00 PM ]
Fracked The PC VR version of Fracked is finally out there and you can now put on the headset and see what Fracked finally has to offer us all We have talked about it before, and now a whole new class of players get to enter into the virtual world of Fracked to see what the craze is all about. It is now out there for all of the PC VR headsets so you can choose which one you want to give it a go with. Not to mention that nDreams did bring it to the PSVR not that long ago, so it is just opening more doors for gamers that want to see just what Fracked has in store. Given the setting and theme of the game, it is not too shocking to know that many VR players would want to have that super-agent style of game at their fingers so they can feel like the hero the world never lets them truly be. Read More...
Tags: Fracked, nDreams, PS5, PSVR, PC, VR,
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Fracked Is Exploding Onto The PC VR Platforms Soon
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Tuesday, 12th of April 2022 - 05:00 PM ]
Fracked Fracked is making its way over to the PC platforms so more can experience what Fracked has to offer up The PSVR crowd will finally be sharing another title with the PC VR crowd with the announcement that Fracked will be making the jump over soon. This is the latest title that nDreams brought to the world that let the player virtually experience what it is like to be an action star. All with first-person combat and free movement in the world to keep things going all forms of crazy out there. All so you can save humanity in Fracked and bring the world even more peace out there. Read More...
Tags: Fracked, nDreams, PS5, PSVR, PC, VR,
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Fracked Is Exploding Out With Guns Blazing Here
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Tuesday, 17th of August 2021 - 07:00 PM ]
Fracked The launch of Fracked is upon us and we have another quick look at Fracked just before donning our VR headsets Our PSVR headsets are about to get a little more explosive with the release and launch for Fracked this week. Hells, it could already be the case for those that pre-ordered the Deluxe Edition of the game and took nDreams up on the ability to play the game three days in advance. That was a thing and is still possible with the full release of Fracked hitting on August 20th. That would make that advanced play ability happen for you right now if you wanted to throw down the cash for it all. Read More...
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Fracked Will Let Us Become A Virtual Action Hero Next Month
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Tuesday, 20th of July 2021 - 07:00 PM ]
Fracked The release date for Fracked is now set in August with a demo for Fracked slipping out there right now to enjoy The time is quickly coming for us all to be that virtual action star again with the release of Fracked. The release date is now finally set for this by nDreams and it looks like it will hit the PSVR and PS5 on August 20th now. Not the far end of the original Summer of this year announcement as it could have been. Especially when you take in the fact that you technically do not need to wait until then to get a taste of what Fracked will be bringing us. Read More...
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