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The Day Before Is Hitting The Early Access In December Now
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Thursday, 2nd of November 2023 - 07:00 PM ]
The Day Before The early access for The Day Before is now set for December and we might finally get to see what The Day Before has for us out there It looks as if we might actually get to see The Day Before land out there, as we have one more trailer for this MMO that also happens to list the date the Early Access will fire off on the PC. It has been all over the place for this title from Fntastic with the previous date being something that was supposed to be in a few days. Now, though, it looks like The Day Before will be opening up this new world on December 7th. Read More...
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Roam The Fallen World With A Bit More Gameplay For The Day Before
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Friday, 3rd of February 2023 - 08:00 PM ]
The Day Before New gameplay for The Day Before is out there now to give us a taste of the current state of The Day Before We have seen how nice The Day Before is going to look on some of the higher-end video cards out there, but now it is time to see just how the gameplay loop will flow on the PC when we hop on. This is a new survival MMO and I am sure that Fntastic has been working hard to make sure it does not flow the same as many others like it out there. At least to the point where The Day Before would feel like just a clone, but still keep some of the great aspects from other titles that make the game soar. Read More...
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The Day Before — 4K RTX ON Gameplay Reveal
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Tuesday, 3rd of January 2023 - 10:00 PM ]
The Day Before Check out the new trailer for The Day Before that has dropped out there for our viewing pleasure The Day Before is an open-world MMO survival title for the PC coming from Fntastic and MYTONA on March 1st, 2023.   The Day Before — 4K RTX ON Gameplay Reveal The Day Before launches on March 1, 2023, enhanced with ray tracing and NVIDIA DLSS 3! Check out this exclusive RTX ON gameplay reveal powered by GeForce RTX. The Day Before is an open-world MMO survival set in a deadly, post-pandemic America overrun by flesh-hungry infected and survivors killing each other for food, weapons, and cars. Read More...
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The Day Before Is Looking To Take Us To New Deadly Heights Visually
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Monday, 10th of January 2022 - 06:00 PM ]
The Day Before The Day Before shows off its new RTX gameplay to give us an amazing view of how The Day Before could look out there In the mix of the announcements for all of the new GeForce RTX tech out at CES 2022, it seems like the new visuals for The Day Before slipped right through the cracks of it all. This is the new open-world MMO title coming from Fntastic and MYTONA for the PC on June 21st that will take us into a whole new post-pandemic world out there. Thankfully, this post-pandemic is of the zombie variety and not the one we are still going through here. Read More...
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Propnight Is Opening The Gates For Us To Test Things Out
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Friday, 15th of October 2021 - 09:00 PM ]
Propnight An open beta is underway for Propnight so those interested can give Propnight a proper go and spook each other There are so many horror titles out there for us to experience for Halloween, so let us add one more to the list with Propnight hitting an open beta status for those who want to try to spook each other. I say this as Fntastic is bringing us a 4v1 horror game that will follow the lines of other horror titles like it, but mix in some physics-based insanity to the mix. All of which feels like it is in lei of Propnight diving deeper into the gore and mental horror that the others go into. Read More...
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The Day Before Brings Us Some Interesting Looking Gameplay For An MMO
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Friday, 9th of April 2021 - 09:00 PM ]
The Day Before New gameplay for The Day Before is here to give us a further taste on how these dynamic events will unfold when The Day Before launches We have had some fun trying to pick apart things for The Day Before back when it was announced, but now we have some better light shed on all of this with a lot of new gameplay. In fact, we have thirteen-minutes of new gameplay to take in here for the game from Fntastic and MYTONA coming to the PC. It is a post-pandemic MMO that is in the works there and might have a lot of people ready to venture into this fictional style of things after a real-world one, but that will be left to see for when the game launches. Read More...
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New Pre-Alpha Gameplay For Dead Dozen Has Shambled Out To Us
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Thursday, 28th of December 2017 - 08:00 PM ]
Dead Dozen Hot off the official announcement of Dead Dozen, we have some new pre-alpha gameplay to look at and see just what we could be getting ourselves into with Dead Dozen Back in November, we had a nice little tease for an upcoming title called Dead Dozen. More or less it looked like another Zombie Shooter coming from Fntastic Entertainment and had very little to go on outside of the eleven versus one style of gameplay it was going to have. One player would spawn in as the "ghoul" in the match and the other eleven would be survivors who needed to barricade themselves in a building and survive the onslaught of the ghoul. Obviously, there is a bit more to Dead Dozen than that, but this was all that we had from before and things were looking grim as the world it is set in. Read More...
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