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Let's See That CoD Black Ops Uncut
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Thursday, 20th of May 2010 - 04:23 PM ]
The first amendment is one of the few things that we Americans love to hide behind when we are not being cattle and following the "in" crowd. When we truly speak our minds and in turn get ridiculed or condemned for what we say; All because it is against the majority. But that doesn't make it any less a right we have been empowered with so we can say what we want without much worry. You know who we have to thank for that, our great military men and women who go out under orders and slaughter those who would slap our hands with rulers for saying "poopie." So in honor of those men and women, I give you the First Amendment version of the Call of Duty: Black Ops trailer. Read More...
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