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E3 Hands On Impressions of Section 8
by Michael Camacho [ Sunday, 7th of June 2009 - 04:36 AM ]
One of my surprises of the show was the game Section 8, coming from SouthPeak Games this fall. I was able to get a demo of this with the lead producer of the game. Section 8 is a futuristic sci-fi shooter with similar gameplay to that of Tribes and Battlefield 2. You have large map areas with 32 total players, two teams of 16 each. Each map has various objectives and areas your team must capture or complete to gain points for your side.As you spawn or respawn, you locate an area on the map that is a safe drop zone. Read More...
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Halo Wars Review
by Ben Brody [ Monday, 2nd of March 2009 - 08:49 AM ]
NOTE: I am not a huge Halo player. I've played and beaten Halo: Combat Evolved, but I have not beaten Halo 2 or Halo 3 (even though I do own both, I have never played either extensively). So please be gentle if I have no idea what a bunch of stuff in Halo is.... mainly because I don't have any idea.... Also I did NOT get the mythic map pack with my review copy so please don't ask me how the mythic map pack was.Many of you are probably excited to play Ensemble Studios final game, Halo Wars. Read More...
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Review — Quantum Of Solace
by [ Monday, 24th of November 2008 - 03:40 AM ]
Quantum Of Solace The latest James Bond adventure is actually fun As evidenced in previous James Bond video games, it’s a pure rush of adrenaline to step into the shoes of the debonair agent. From GoldenEye to Everything or Nothing, the Bond games have usually been faithful recreations of the films or entirely new adventures to embark on. With Quantum Of Solace, the newest addition to the Bond game library, the total immersion of being Bond is alive and well. With much owed to the Call Of Duty 4 engine, this is a fast-paced, fun FPS with elements of third-person shooters. Read More...
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Punishment From The PSN
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Tuesday, 23rd of September 2008 - 03:37 PM ]
The Punisher: No Mercy Coming Exclusively to PSN So there was a tease a week ago on the Marvel site about something with the Punisher franchise. I wasn't too sure what to make of it until I spotted this on the Playstation Blog this morning. There is going to be a PSN exclusive all about the Punisher called, Punisher: No Mercy. Totally awesome. From what they have released, so far, it is a FPS all driven through the Unreal Engine. Read More...
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Ignition Licenses Unreal Engine 3
by Andy [ Monday, 7th of July 2008 - 07:15 PM ]
Ignition Ltd. announced today that they are going to be licensing the Unreal Engine 3 for a new groundbreaking FPS currently in development in Florida. “Epic’s Unreal Engine 3 is an extremely versatile engine,” said Jeremy Stieglitz, Game Director and Lead Designer, Ignition Florida. “So when deciding on technology for Ignition Florida's first next-generation video game, there was no questioning that Unreal Engine 3 is the way to go.”“Ignition Florida is pushing Unreal Engine 3 in a very exciting direction, especially in terms of environmental capabilities,” said Mark Rein, Vice President, Epic Games. Read More...
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Mirror's Edge Gameplay Trailer Debuts
by Michael Camacho [ Tuesday, 6th of May 2008 - 10:53 PM ]
Debuting today is the official Gameplay Trailer of Mirror's Edge from EA developer DICE. It shows off the acrobatics of the lead character, Faith, who is a runner for criminal organizations. The basis of the story is she is trying to free her sister who is imprisoned by the totalitarian government that is pursuing her during her exploits. Routes are easily spotted by the color red, yet there isn't always one route you can take to get to your destiniation. Also the game allows you to defend yourself in a variety of ways, as you can utilize weapons taken from your attackers, or never use a weapon and find other means of defeating anyone in your way. Read More...
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Interview With Joel "FPS Doug" Gardiner
by Alyssa Porter [ Friday, 21st of March 2008 - 01:01 AM ]
This is my Interveiw I sent to Joel "FPS Doug" Gardiner, who played a main role in the Pure Pwange Series. 1. How did you get involved with Pure Pwnage? I’ve been long time friends with the producers Jarett Cale and Geoff Lapaire for many years. We had worked together on some small filming projects before here in Calgary. They were both out in Toronto by the time the series started taking off and wanted to start bringing in more characters. They knew I had the perfect look and ability to pull off a crazy frag fanatic fps player, so the next time Jarett was back in Calgary, me and him filmed the very first fpsdoug segment. Read More...
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by Alyssa Porter [ Thursday, 13th of March 2008 - 09:43 AM ]
      Recently I contacted Joel “FPS Doug” Gardiner on Myspace to tell him about and he seemed very impressed with the site. For those of you who do not know who “FPS Doug” is, shame on you. Joel “FPS Doug” Gardiner is an actor who also loves gaming and appeared on the hit gamer Internet show called Pure Pwnage. (www.purepwnage. Read More...
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