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Review: Section 8
by Ben Brody [ Tuesday, 15th of September 2009 - 01:45 PM ]
At first glance, Section 8 looks like a Halo wannabe. At second glance it looks like a Tribes wannabe. At third glance it looks like a Battlefield wannabe. I'm not saying that a game that plays like those 3 games would be bad (heck, it'd probably be the best online shooter ever), but Section 8 seems to be lackluster in areas that each of those 3 game excelled in. The problem with that is while that Section 8 may be a solid game, the fact is that people are going to be playing the other 3 games that it is trying to emulate. Section 8 is a multiplayer only game, don't be fooled by the Corde's story campaign mode, it's basically a glorified bot mode with some random bits of story thrown about. Read More...
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E3 Hands On Impressions of Section 8
by Michael Camacho [ Sunday, 7th of June 2009 - 04:36 AM ]
One of my surprises of the show was the game Section 8, coming from SouthPeak Games this fall. I was able to get a demo of this with the lead producer of the game. Section 8 is a futuristic sci-fi shooter with similar gameplay to that of Tribes and Battlefield 2. You have large map areas with 32 total players, two teams of 16 each. Each map has various objectives and areas your team must capture or complete to gain points for your side.As you spawn or respawn, you locate an area on the map that is a safe drop zone. Read More...
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