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Necrophosis Gives A Look At How It Will Flow With NVIDIA DLSS
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Thursday, 9th of May 2024 - 09:00 PM ]
Necrophosis A new look at Necrophosis is here to show off how the NVIDIA DLSS will help with the visuals of Necrophosis We had a nice teaser for Necrophosis last week and here we go with a look at how well the game is running in its current form. A form that is going to be putting the NVIDIA DLSS through some paces as Dragonis Games aims to bring a full version to the PC down the line. That is at least the assumption we are going through for Necrophosis as it is still all in an early form, but we have a new video that will show us how the game will look through the various settings of the hardware. Let us dig in and see if we can truly tell the difference between the Performance, Quality, and Off modes for all of this here… This new video for Necrophosis shows the three different states in a row and then side-by-side for a few different scenes out there in the game. Read More...
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Necrophosis Teases Us With Even More Of The Cosmic Horror
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Wednesday, 1st of May 2024 - 05:00 PM ]
Necrophosis A new Lovecraftian title, Necrophosis, is on the way with Necrophosis diving into the many things that inspired it If you could not get enough of some surreal landscapes and other kinds of horror already, then we have news for you that a new title, Necrophosis, is on the way to give you more of just that. A new title from Dragonis Games that is influenced and inspired by a few other games that lean into this along with all of the other Lovecraftian imagery out there. All with some extra first-person gameplay to further put us into the cosmic horror setting of it all while solving some truly odd puzzles. Read More...
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