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Hands-on With The Medal Of Honor: Warfighter Public Beta
by Kenton Winkfield [ Tuesday, 9th of October 2012 - 08:18 PM ]
Today started like any other. I signed into XBox Live, went to see what was new on the marketplace, and found the Medal of Honor: Warfighter Multiplayer Beta ready for download. I enjoyed the last Medal of Honor so much that I decided to give it a try. Once again I am finding it tough to tear myself away from the game even to write this. Medal of Honor: Warfighter Multiplayer Beta already has me wanting to go out and get the game right now. With subtle tweaks to the style, and larger changes to load outs, I am scouring to see everything this game has to offer. Read More...
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Medal Of Honor: Warfighter Beta Announced
by Greg Tatterfield [ Monday, 24th of September 2012 - 05:09 PM ]
If you are anticipating the release Medal Of Honor: Warfighter and play on XBox 360 you are in luck. EA and Danger Close announced that a multiplayer beta is coming exclusively to the XBox 360 in early October. Downloading the beta will not only give players an early look but will also grant players 60 minutes of double XP when the game releases on October 23. EA also announced that if 3 million people download the beta they will release a special Linkin Park music video for their song Castle Of Glass. If the 3 million download milestone is not hit the video will be released five days later. Read More...
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