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Review: Ratchet and Clank Future: A Crack in Time
by Ben Brody [ Wednesday, 4th of November 2009 - 01:59 PM ]
Ratchet and Clank has enjoyed a really good run these past 7 years, and A Crack in Time is a great cap to the "future" series. In what may be the final game in the series, Ratchet must rescue Clank from Dr. Nefarious (the villain from Up Your Arsenal, the third game in the series). Before we get in to deep, let's get a quick glance back at the Future trilogy thus far. In Tools of Destruction, an evil tyrant named Tachyon set out to revenge against the Lombax's for destroying his race. This is the first hint we get that Ratchet isn't the last Lombax in the galaxy. Read More...
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Ratchet & Clank Preorder Packages
by Jesse [ Friday, 3rd of July 2009 - 04:59 PM ]
Yesterday a post on the official Sony blog announced that four different preorder packages would be made available for the upcoming PlayStation 3 exclusive Ratchet&Clank Future: A Crack in Time. Each of the offerings brings something unique to the table so whether you’re into behind-the-scenes type material, bonus weapons, or adding to your PlayStation Home closet, there’s something for every Ratchet & Clank fan. The packages are as follows: Discovery Package – Explore the Insomniac Moon, a special level that resembles the layout of the Insomniac Games’ offices! Scattered through this museum-like level, you will discover a moon’s worth of extra content that didn’t quite make it into the game. Read More...
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Ratchet and Clank Return to PS3
by Jesse [ Thursday, 26th of March 2009 - 10:58 PM ]
“The Quest Continues in Fall 2009…” This was the phrase that teased a coming sequel following the end of Ratchet and Clank Future: Quest for Booty. Today we know exactly what those words mean. Okay so maybe we don’t know exactly, but at least there’s a title. Insomniac Games unveiled the logo for their upcoming R&C title Ratchet and Clank Future: A Crack in Time. Though there aren’t any details at this time, I’d say it’s safe to assume we’ll see A Crack in Time tie in with the previous two R&C games. One interesting point though is that the title logo looks to be cut from a larger image. Read More...
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