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Review: Exo-Flex Skins
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Thursday, 8th of October 2009 - 06:25 PM ]
We as gamers are always looking for a way to stand out and be original so we can be identified in our virtual space. Also most of the time in our real world presence as well. Be it clothing, cosmetics, or skinning and modding our PCs, consoles, and the controllers that go along with them. Sometimes as basic as a few stickers and others as extreme as a full metal shop built Alien case for a PC. But sometimes we gamers either lack the tools or capabilities to build something that expresses our inner selves on our gaming gear. That's where companies like Exo-Flex and their artist step in and offer up full case stickers and decals for us to slap on and be original. Read More...
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