But sometimes we gamers either lack the tools or capabilities to build something that expresses our inner selves on our gaming gear. That's where companies like Exo-Flex and their artist step in and offer up full case stickers and decals for us to slap on and be original. Well as original as we can be without being the artist or hardware builder in the first place.
Exo-Flex offers up a variety of styles for a plethora of systems and gamer gear. Every system and most major mobile phone/MP3 players are included in these decals. All for around $10 to $20 and a little bit of time.
Currently they only have 74 different styles or skin artwork to select from. Any of them customized for whichever piece of hardware you want to skin, but still their numbers are a little low for pieces of art. At least when you look at the ability to truly be custom from each other. But their catalog is constantly building. When I first picked up mine there were only about 40 styles and that was only a month or so ago, so they are still getting new product out at an alarming rate.
This being the case, there are no real categories to place the art work. You will have to peruse a bit to find one that fits you. Or, I'm sure if you were to talk to them and make a request you would be able to figure out something for your tastes.
As far as durability of the product goes, it is top notch. I generally keep the iPod in my pocket where you would expect the edges of the decal to get frayed or warped a bit. This did not happen at all. In fact the edges are still perfectly attached to the iPod with no wear and tear at all. Something that cannot be said for a few of the other products of this type out there. I've tried many. But what about the actual consoles?
I tried these puppies out on a system and conditions that would really test how they stand up, a XBox 360 in the Las Vegas summer heat. Not the extreme 115 degree heat outside, but the warmer than your usual household temperatures many of you are probably use to. In any instance, I was expecting to find the decals easily warped or the glue to either give or bond to a point where my XBox was permanently covered in this decal. This was not the case at all.
The decal did not loose any adhesiveness or become difficult to pull back off. In fact, it seemed like the heat did absolutely nothing to alter the Exo-Flex skin at all. Something that I have had issues in the past with other products of this sort. My PSP was never the same after the decals I picked up in Best Buy. But these do hold up quite well.
Ease Of Use:
Being mainly one large decal/sticker to slap on your system it can be a little rough to get them to lay down just right. The one I have on my XBox took me about 45 minutes to get aligned, laid, and air bubble free. At least on the sides. The faceplate decal seemed to fall right into place. But it was a little difficult to get applied to the larger system. Not so much the case for the iPod and PSP.
Once applied, they look stunning and you had to try and get air bubbles or the decal to move from it's place. It just took a lot of patience from the start to get everything set into place. But if you know how to breathe and have a bit of patience, you won't have to worry again until you wish to change skins.
Overview/Final Words:
After all is said and done, these decals and customizing aides are nice if you have a bit of disposable income and find some of the art really cool. They do have some great pieces in their collection and new ones are added all the time. But in the end, at least as consoles go, they only add a bit of personality to your gaming room and keep dust off the console case or controllers. I'll also admit I'm going to be picking up the Rock Band Guitar skin pictured here. It is pretty cool to me.
As it goes for something like the iPod or iPhone, these things are invaluable. The iPhone/Pod gets scratched so easily by just leaving it on a desktop or counter. Or even in your pocket. These decals slip on and protect the metal from scrapes and scratches so very well and there is no need for a bulky slip case for it. If anything, totally look into getting one for your device to save it from scratches. You won't be sorry.
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