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SDCC 2017 Experience — Blade Runner 2049
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Thursday, 10th of August 2017 - 07:00 PM ]
Blade Runner While out at SDCC we had a chance to check out the Blade Runner 2049 off-site event. Here's what we experienced for Blade Runner 2049 at SDCC 2017 Given that Blade Runner 2049 will be hitting theaters soon, October 6th, it makes sense that there would be a big thing out at SDCC to show it all off and build even more hype for the film. A big thing it was too as one of the larger parking lots near the convention center was taken over by a massive tent that only displayed the film's name but held many fun things inside; that is if you were willing to wait in the extremely long lines to get in. Thankfully though, the Blade Runner 2049 experience out there was handled rather well and offered up two different experiences for fans to check out. Read More...
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