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Watch PlayStation's 2015 E3 Press Conference Right Here
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Tuesday, 16th of June 2015 - 01:13 AM ]
Can't Be At E3 2015 Or The PlayStation Press Conference? We Have You Covered With The Live Stream Below He we go for the wrap of the day's press events at E3 with PlayStation's big showcasing. Always going last in the list of things and trying to save the best for last to take on the rivals and have something to show that hasn't been shown at any of the other events thus far. Maybe we will hear that PlayStation 4 will be fully backwards compatible just as the Xbox One was announced. That would be a huge kicker outside of seeing Uncharted 4 in action as well as most likely seeing something for Final Fantasy XV and/or Kingdom Hearts 3. Read More...
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Watch Ubisoft's 2015 E3 Press Conference Right Here
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Monday, 15th of June 2015 - 10:00 PM ]
Can't Be At E3 2015 Or The Ubisoft Press Conference? We Have You Covered With The Live Stream Below That is three large E3 press conferences down and two more to go. Next up on the docket is Ubisoft and their usual titles and franchises that we get every year at E3's past. Ubisoft hasn't been too quiet on what we are going to be getting from them with a few additional things mixed in. It is a safe bet that we are going to be getting some Assassin's Creed Syndicate footage and gameplay information. Most likely more for Just Dance and the already spoken on Tom Clancy titles. Read More...
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Watch EA's 2015 E3 Press Conference Right Here
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Monday, 15th of June 2015 - 08:00 PM ]
Can't Be At E3 2015 Or The EA Press Conference? We Have You Covered With The Live Stream Below We made it through the Microsoft briefing and now it is on to what EA has to bring us. Based on what we had to see earlier today it is safe to bet we are going to get to see more on Garden Warfare 2 and most definitely more on the wealth of Star Wars that EA is working on here. It is also pretty damn sure we are going to get a look at all of the new EA Sports titles, Mirror's Edge Catalyst, and Need For Speed. Pretty much the usual suspects that we always get to see during EA's big showcases at E3. Read More...
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Watch Microsoft's 2015 E3 Press Conference Right Here
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Monday, 15th of June 2015 - 04:15 PM ]
Can't Be At E3 2015 Or The Microsoft Press Conference? We Have You Covered With The Live Stream Below We are one press conference in the bag and it is time to hop into the second major one for E3 in the way of Microsoft and all the wares that they will have for the Xbox One, Xbox 360, and Windows platforms. Just like with Bethesda and their E3 press conference there are some completely expected titles to come out here during the Microsoft conference; Games like Call Of Duty: Black Ops 3, Gears Of War and Rise Of The Tomb Raider are completely on the docket here. I'd also place even money on their being some form of VR with the Oculus Rift on the Xbox One given the previous announcements but I also wouldn't be surprised if it was left out here too. Read More...
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Watch Bethesda Softworks' 2015 E3 Press Conference Right Here
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Monday, 15th of June 2015 - 02:00 AM ]
Can't Be At E3 2015 Or The Bethesda Softworks Press Conference? We Have You Covered With The Live Stream Below It is that time. Time to kick off E3 with the first official press conference of the event for Bethesda Softworks and their game studios. They have already let the cat out of the bag on a few items to see like Fallout 4, DOOM, and the recently slipped Dishonored 2. That last one doesn't feel like it was something we weren't going to be seeing anytime soon from Bethesda but it apparently slipped out during rehearsals from this press conference. I am sure that we will also see something for BattleCry as well even though Bethesda hasn't said anything directly about it but as it was a big feature last year it only makes sense. Read More...
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There Is Going To Be A Ratchet & Clank Film Tie-In Game
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Wednesday, 10th of June 2015 - 07:00 PM ]
The first trailer for the Ratchet & Clank tie-in game for the Ratchet & Clank film based off the Ratchet & Clank franchise has been released with great humor The title kind of says it all but we have our first look at the Ratchet & Clank game for the PS4 that will be launching sometime along with the Ratchet & Clank film next year. The film of course is hitting theaters on April 29th of 2016 and seeing as this game is linked to the events and story that the film will be portraying it will be safe to assume that Insomniac Games will be wrapping it up and sending it out for packaging at least sometime around then. That does make perfect sense does it not? Read More...
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We Are Not Getting Mirror's Edge 2 But Mirror's Edge Catalyst
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Tuesday, 9th of June 2015 - 07:00 PM ]
It looks like EA couldn't hold back another week as now we have Mirror's Edge Catalyst officially announced and it is not Mirror's Edge 2 If you were holding your breath for any updates on Mirror's Edge 2… please stop as you will be killing yourself as we are not getting that game. Don't fret though as we are still getting a Mirror's Edge title as EA and DICE have promised in the past but in this instance it looks like the franchise is getting rebooted in sorts. All in the way of Mirror's Edge Catalyst. That is the name of the game so you can go back to holding your breath for anything else about it. Read More...
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Xbox One Gets More Storage With A New 1TB Console
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Tuesday, 9th of June 2015 - 05:00 PM ]
Just before E3 it looks like Microsoft has some new hardware in the way of a 1TB Xbox One and a new Xbox One wireless controller Usually Microsoft waits until their big E3 showcase to announce anything new with their hardware but it looks like we are getting a new Xbox One announcement a little early. Almost a week earlier than if it was during the normal show but I'll take it. Especially when it comes down to us getting a 1TB Xbox One. Read More...
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Fallout 4 Is Official & Showing How War Never Changes
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Wednesday, 3rd of June 2015 - 05:00 PM ]
The official announcement trailer for Fallout 4 has been released and it shows the visions that Bethesda has for the continuation of the franchise What was teased yesterday has now been made official as Bethesda has shown us Fallout 4. By name and everything so there is no more doubt to be placed on it being some other title in the Fallout universe. Nope, we have Fallout 4 and Bethesda has given us…yet another teaser as we are all supposed to wait until their big E3 show to get all of the details about Fallout 4. Yep, we have another teaser from a tease but did we really expect any less? Read More...
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We Have A Fallout Update And It May Be Fallout 4
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Tuesday, 2nd of June 2015 - 05:00 PM ]
A new teaser has been put up by Bethesda and It looks very Fallout 4-like to the point some are claiming Fallout 4 is confirmed While it is still not enough evidence for me to say Fallout 4 is a go, it does fully look like Bethesda is kicking the teases into full gear for E3. Earlier today their social media site posted a link and started a hashtag campaign that definitely points to a new Fallout announcement or showing here in the next 24 hours. Most likely it will be the greatly anticipated and longed for Fallout 4 but there has been no official confirmation there yet so I will be holding out on that until tomorrow at about 8:00 am PST when things should be fully teased. Yes, this is just another tease for a tease most likely. Read More...
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A Whole New Need For Speed Is Coming In Fast
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Thursday, 21st of May 2015 - 05:00 PM ]
It was announced that a Need For Speed reboot is coming and we have a teaser trailer to get our engines running If you've been sitting around hoping for a new Need For Speed title to continue the franchise then today is your day. Not your lucky day but your day as a new Need For Speed is coming this Fall for the PS4, Xbox One, and PC. The reason it may not be your lucky day is that this new installment for the franchise is a full reboot from EA and Ghost Games. This is always a gamble when it comes to fans which is why I'm not saying you are lucky or unlucky here. Read More...
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Why I Think The Fallout 4 Leaks Pretty Much Confirm Its Coming
by Dakota B. Johnson [ Tuesday, 19th of May 2015 - 05:00 PM ]
Fallout 4 Has Been Indirectly Confirmed Through Various Leaks For the past few years Fallout fans have been in a frenzy trying to predict when we would get an announcement for Fallout 4 or another title in the franchise. Some highly dedicated fans have even pulled off elaborate hoaxes; like the Survivor 2299 hoax. Many believe this year at E3 Bethesda's big announcement will include Fallout 4. Regardless of when, we all know a new Fallout game is coming. Read More...
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Get Ready For Our DOOM At E3 With A Nice Little Tease
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Monday, 18th of May 2015 - 05:00 PM ]
The first bit of gameplay for DOOM has been released to tease a world gameplay reveal at Bethesda's E3 event in June We've all been waiting patiently for something more on the upcoming DOOM title from id Software and Bethesda. Very patiently given that there were pre-order bonuses that gave us access to the DOOM beta when it goes live. We have yet to see a thing for the game but at least we all were sure it was still on its way. Today though it looks like the wait…now has a defined end date at Bethesda's E3 event when we should be seeing DOOM in action most likely on the PC version but possibly on the PS4 or Xbox One version. Read More...
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Nintendo Is Bringing The World Championships Back At E3 2015
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Wednesday, 13th of May 2015 - 07:00 PM ]
Nintendo has released their upcoming plans for E3 2015 and one of them involves bringing the Nintendo World Championships back after a long hiatus Normally it isn't big news, at least big news to me, when a company like Nintendo announces the times for their upcoming press conferences like the one that happens each year at E3. Unless there is a big hardware or franchise return update there really isn't much to go on, especially when it comes to Nintendo lately. Even the huge thing for the Wii U was kind of a bust and not all too much to write online about. Read More...
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Rumor: A New MediEvil Title May Be Announced Soon
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Friday, 8th of May 2015 - 07:00 PM ]
'Leaked' videos and stills may be showing that we may have a new MediEvil title coming soon; possibly for the PS4 Update It turns out this is not a new MediEvil title in the works but a fan build based on the original title in the hopes to show Sony why there needs to be a new MediEvil title made. Kudos on the build as it does look production quality at the end of the day. MediEvil — Unreal Engine 4 Yet another franchise can't keep things hidden for a great reveal as we now may be getting another MediEvil title for the PS4. Read More...
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