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Call Of Duty: World At War 2 May Have Accidentally Announced Early
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Tuesday, 24th of March 2015 - 07:01 PM ]
A new image has popped up online that shows that the next Call Of Duty title may be Call Of Duty: World At War 2 Before you get all antsy in the pansty here this is a rumor about Call Of Duty: World At War 2 being the next addition to the franchise from Treyarch. This rumor of course started from a "leaked" image hitting the internet that shows that Activision may be announcing the game on May 4th this year. That would be a Monday about a month before E3 so it does seem a bit logical for the reveal to happen. Not to mention that Activision does tend to use the Xbox platform to show things off for their next annual release to the Call Of Duty franchise. Read More...
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Call of Duty: World at War Map Pack 3 Makes a Splash
by Brian Bentley [ Thursday, 6th of August 2009 - 09:14 PM ]
With the third map pack for Call of Duty: World at War dropping today on the PSN and XBox Live Marketplace today, I think it's about time console shooter fans finally cut Treyarch some slack. They have really supported the crap out of this game during the post-release lifecycle, this time with multiplayer maps, a zombie map and new achievements/trophies. After selling over 11 million copies of the game and over 4 million downloads, they could very easily just sit on their laurels and rake the cash in. Instead, they are continuing their support of this game with another release of new content. Read More...
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Treyarch Delivers Free iPhone App for World at War
by Brian Bentley [ Tuesday, 4th of August 2009 - 06:08 PM ]
Today, Treyarch, the makers of Call of Duty: World at War, announced and released a free iPhone application. With this new app, players will be able to track statistics like kill-to-death ratios and weapon usage by simply connecting their gamer tag to their account on They'll also be able to link up with your friends' statistics to compare if you link accounts at and get community news and blog updates from www. Read More...
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The World Still at War
by Jesse [ Friday, 24th of July 2009 - 06:07 PM ]
Whether you love them or hate them, Activision and Treyarch have to be commended on their DLC support behind Call of Duty: World at War. Presently it looks like August is going to see more of that support with the release of a third map pack. As with the previous two downloadable packs, the third set of maps will feature 3 standard multiplayer maps, Battery, Breach, and Revolution, as well as a Nazi Zombie map entitled Der Riese. Battery is said to take place on an armored island surrounded by anti-ship mines. Breach will be an all out firefight set on the streets of Berlin, Germany. Read More...
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World at War’s Map Pack 2 is Released
by Jesse [ Friday, 12th of June 2009 - 08:03 PM ]
Activision has unleashed Map Pack 2 for download on both the PlayStation Store and Xbox Live Marketplace. The pack features 4 new maps entitled Banzai, Corrosion, Sub Pens, and Shi No Numa. Banzai takes place in a jungle deep in Japanese territory. Corrosion makes use of a rundown Russian train yard as a battleground. A bombed out Japanese submarine base is the site for Sub Pens. Shi No Numa which is Japanese for ‘Zombie Swamp’ adds a third map to face down the unstoppable zombie hordes. Read More...
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Gamestops massive CoD: World at War Tournament
by Sam [ Thursday, 13th of November 2008 - 03:27 AM ]
Gamestop is getting ready to launch a nationwide for Call of Duty: World at War. The tournament starts this Friday, featuring one-on-one, single elimination style rounds. The best players from each store will go on the district semifinals on January 16th, then the reginal finals on the 23rd, leading up to the championship on the 27th on the deck of the USS Midway aircraft carrier in San Diego. Grand prize is $2,500 dollars in cash and a free trip to San Diego. Head over to http://www. Read More...
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New Details and Screenshots from CoD5
by Nikole [ Monday, 16th of June 2008 - 11:37 PM ]
Call of Duty 5: World at War, is the next installment in the popular CoD series. The game has been rumored to be released later this year on the PC, PS3, X360 and the Wii. The game will be taking a step back in time from the prior CoD game, Modern Warfare, and will be set in the Pacific during World War 2. The Wii version is expected to be Wii Zapper compatible. No word yet on the plot of the game. Read More...
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