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Choose Your Protoss
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Monday, 12th of January 2009 - 11:28 PM ]
Dark Templar Vote So it looks like Blizzard wants to know what the players of their Star Craft Franchise want as a character in their new IP, Star Craft II. It seems that they want the actual community to choose their favorite since the game is for them and it should be tailored toward them. Not a bad idea from my stand point. But as of right now you can go onto the below link and vote which character you want to have in the new game, when it finally comes out. Your choices are: Lenassa Tribe:This unit carries a single warp blade, and a cloth shroud covers its face. Read More...
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Rock Or Pwn?
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Friday, 22nd of August 2008 - 07:38 PM ]
Xbox and Rock the Vote to Give Voters a New Platform for Change Man there are really trying to get more and more voters these days. I remember when Rock the Vote first started, you know trying to get young voters voting using rock stars and music. Well now they are targeting your game machines. Well at least the XBox users to get even more. Using a title that could be a bit of a rip off from this site? I jest. Read More...
Tags: PWN, Vote, Rock, Win, XBox,
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Boston Mayor trying to pass "games as porn" bill
by Trina [ Monday, 17th of March 2008 - 07:00 PM ]
Boston's mayor, Thomah Menino is now backing a Massachusetts Bill sponsored by Rep. Linda Dorcena Forry according to The Massachusetts legislature will be talking about the bill on Tuesday. The bill was penned with the help of Jack Thompson, of course, but prior "games as porn" bills have failed in Lousiana and Utah. Entertainment Software AssociationGames-for-Grownups spokesman Dan Hewitt told the Boston Herald, “Every time states have tried to restrict access to First Amendment-protected material, it has been considered unconstitutional.” You can contact the mayor of Boston here: http://www. Read More...
Tags: vote, politics,
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