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Son And Bone Is Announced And Looking To Place Cowboys Against Dinosaurs
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Monday, 15th of January 2024 - 08:00 PM ]
Son And Bone A new first-person shooter, Son And Bone, has been announced with Son And Bone giving us the best of the gunslinger along with some dinosaurs Get ready to experience another of the dart board video games out there with the announcement for Son And Bone. I say dart board as the premise of the game feels like TeamKill Media threw a few darts to build their story around while working on a first-person shooter. At least, it is not hard to assume that the reason we have cowboys versus dinosaurs in Son And Bone was not born from this style. Not a terrible thing, but something that seems to be a trend in my view of it all. Read More...
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Quantum Error Launches The Cosmic Horror Into Our World Here
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Monday, 30th of October 2023 - 05:00 PM ]
Quantum Error The launch trailer for Quantum Error is here to get us all ready for Quantum Error’s launch on the PlayStation at the end of the week It is the week for those looking to get into Quantum Error on the PS4 and PS5. This is the launch week and after having so many other horror video games out there for Halloween, we get one more just after the holiday passes. I have a feeling that TeamKill Media planned to miss the day by a few to make sure the game stood out, but this does feel like something that should have landed on the day. All of that aside, the launch of Quantum Error is still November 3rd and this all builds into the launch trailer we have to share to get us ready for those cosmic horrors that are about to land on us. Read More...
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Quantum Error Will Have Us Descend Into More Horror Next Month
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Wednesday, 11th of October 2023 - 07:00 PM ]
Quantum Error The release date for Quantum Error is set in November with some being able to play Quantum Error this coming Halloween We are almost there to dive further into another cosmic horror setting with Quantum Error hitting the PS4 and PS5 on November 3rd out there. There are still plans for TeamKill Media to bring the game to the Xbox One, Xbox Series X|S, and PC but those are down the line still. No matter the case, Quantum Error is poised to land on us all right after the Halloween season this year. That is, unless you are looking to get some early access to the game which will kick off on October 31st. Read More...
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Quantum Error Has A Bit More & Creepy Gameplay To Look At
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Thursday, 3rd of September 2020 - 09:00 PM ]
Quantum Error New gameplay from Gamescom for Quantum Error is here to show off how far Quantum Error has gone and where it will still be heading It is always great to see when smaller studios as TeamKill Media can come out swinging with a cool looking title as they did with Quantum Error a while back. A nice little horror title that will be taking us into some of those dark depths of mind and space on the PS4 and PS5 when it launches. If you remember seeing Quantum Error the first time it made the rounds out there, then you are lucky and in for a bit more. Read More...
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Quantum Error Is Announced & Bringing Us All More Cosmic-Horror
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Monday, 30th of March 2020 - 05:00 PM ]
Quantum Error A new horror title, Quantum Error, has been announced and it looks like the PlayStation systems will be getting some new cosmic-horror with Quantum Error It looks like we have another PS5 title, as well as a PS4 one, to add into the mix, as we have the announcement of Quantum Error. This is the next big title to come to us out of TeamKill Media on the Unreal 4 engine and all takes place in a new cosmic-horror setting. Well, maybe not new as it looks like we might be going underwater for it all, but it is something new. Read More...
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New Additions to MK vs DC Universe Roster
by Andy [ Tuesday, 5th of August 2008 - 06:22 PM ]
Today, Midway announced the release of an all-new gameplay FIGHT video for the highly anticipated Mortal Kombat vs DC Universe videogame. Along with the FIGHT video, four additional characters have been confirmed for the famous roster including The Joker, Kitana, Jax and Green Lantern.This latest, in-depth video showcases the innovative fighting mechanics found in Mortal Kombat vs DC Universe, including Klose Kombat, an up-close brutal fighting mechanic that shows progressive damage on each fighter and Freefall Kombat, giving players the ability to engage in kombat as they fall from one arena down to the next. Both of these fighting mechanics along with Test Your Might and character-specific signature moves, including Batman's Batarang and Scorpion's spear. Read More...
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