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Son And Bone Is Announced And Looking To Place Cowboys Against Dinosaurs
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Monday, 15th of January 2024 - 08:00 PM ]
Son And Bone A new first-person shooter, Son And Bone, has been announced with Son And Bone giving us the best of the gunslinger along with some dinosaurs Get ready to experience another of the dart board video games out there with the announcement for Son And Bone. I say dart board as the premise of the game feels like TeamKill Media threw a few darts to build their story around while working on a first-person shooter. At least, it is not hard to assume that the reason we have cowboys versus dinosaurs in Son And Bone was not born from this style. Not a terrible thing, but something that seems to be a trend in my view of it all. Read More...
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