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Wander Deeper Into The Gameplay On The Way To Us For Nightingale
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Friday, 16th of February 2024 - 08:00 PM ]
Nightingale A new deep dive into the gameplay of Nightingale shows us all more of what to expect when Nightingale hits Early Access Next week, on February 20th, the Early Access for Nightingale will kick off and many of the PC gamers will be able to see just what this open-world survival-crafting game will offer up to us. With those descriptors, it should be easy to get the basics of what Inflexion Games is working on. There is a lot more to Nightingale than that, though, and this is why we are right back in with another massive look at the gameplay. Read More...
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The Portals Are Opening A Bit Earlier Than Expected For Nightingale
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Friday, 9th of February 2024 - 06:00 PM ]
Nightingale The early access for Nightingale is starting a bit earlier now to get those interested in Nightingale and playing The release date for Nightingale, or more the Early Access date, has been shifted quite a bit since we first heard of it all. One reason or another Inflexion Games has needed more time to get this PC title ready. Well, it looks as if the date is going to change one more time. The Early Access for Nightingale was slated to kick off on February 22nd of this year, and now it is slated for February 20th. Read More...
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Nightingale — Realmwalker’s Journey
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Friday, 16th of December 2022 - 08:00 PM ]
Nightingale Check out the new trailer for Nightingale that has dropped out there for our viewing pleasure Nightingale is an open-world survival crafting title for the PC coming from Inflexion Games with an Early Access planned for early 2023.       Nightingale — Realmwalker’s Journey The Fae Realms of Nightingale are alive with monstrous beasts, magickal creatures, and threats of which you cannot conceive. Who better than you, Realmwalker, to survive the challenges ahead? Save yourself, survive the realms, and rebuild the world. Read More...
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IXION — Epic Gameplay
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Monday, 21st of February 2022 - 10:00 PM ]
IXION Check out the new trailer for IXION that has dropped out there for our viewing pleasure IXION is a strategy title for the PC coming from Bulwark Studios and Kasedo Games coming in 2022.       IXION — Epic Gameplay Check out the epic new gameplay trailer for our upcoming Sci-fi/City Builder; IXION! IXION is also taking part in the Steam Next-Fest (February 21-28) where you can get your hands on a playable demo! Follow IXION on Steam to be notified when the demo goes live and all future updates. Read More...
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Virtual Reality To An Extreme
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Friday, 22nd of April 2011 - 06:55 PM ]
In the pursuit of making games 100% immersive there are an ass ton of gadgets, gizmos and displays to make you feel truly in the middle of the action. That is what the whole motion controller craze and revitalization of 3D is all about isn't it? But no one will rest until you can fully experience the game world as if you were truly standing there and walking around it. That is what gamers enjoy isn't it? Moving around and having all of the game character's skills based on their own motor functions that don't require basic thumb presses. Read More...
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