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Mytheon Being Held Hostage By VooDoo
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Wednesday, 12th of May 2010 - 04:46 PM ]
Just when you thought it was safe for us to poke our heads out and not hear about some new legal action taking place between video game companies, (Activision and Infinity Ward I'm looking at you) a new one hits. Not between those two though, but between a couple smaller companies, Petroglyph Games and True Games. Before you ask, no it is not about who gets to keep "Games" in their title. It is about their joint venture on the MMORTS Mytheon. Read More...
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A Mythical RTS
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Tuesday, 2nd of December 2008 - 06:33 PM ]
True Games & Petroglyph Announce Mytheon - An Innovative New Online Action Strategy Game Like mythology? Like real-time strategies? Like online games? Well looks like the great minds at Petroglyph and True Games will be hooking you up with all three, while trying out the micro-transaction pricing plan set up to boot. What's that, some might be thinking? Well it means that it will be free to play online, but if you want special things or special benefits, you will need to shell out a small amount of cash for it. Read More...
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