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Review: Anomaly 2
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Thursday, 25th of September 2014 - 09:02 PM ]
We Sit Down And Review Anomaly 2 on the PS4. How does this little Real-Time Strategy/Tower Defense Game Fair? Watch and find out In the mix of all the AAA titles being released, announced, and talked about we had Anomaly 2 slip out onto the PS4 as a digital title. It is another title that looks to break the mold when it comes to genre as most still cannot define Anomaly 2 as a Tower Defense style game or a Real-Time Strategy title. In fact it has a mix of both play styles carrying the game on and into our gaming libraries; but should it enter yours? Lucky for you I had a chance to play Anomaly 2 through both in Campaign and Multiplayer modes of the game. Read More...
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Plants Vs. Zombies: Play For Free
by Binh Nguyen [ Thursday, 24th of September 2009 - 04:12 PM ]
It's been months since Plants vs. Zombies has been released and you still haven't picked it up? Maybe the economy has affected you more than most people realize? Well for whatever the reason is, you do not have an excuse to not be playing Plants vs Zombies. PopCap has launched a free Flash-based version of the game off their site. “Plants vs. Zombies is a deceptively deep game that takes awhile to grow on gamers,” said Ben Rotholtz, vice president of Marketing at PopCap. Read More...
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