In the mix of all the AAA titles being released, announced, and talked about we had Anomaly 2 slip out onto the PS4 as a digital title. It is another title that looks to break the mold when it comes to genre as most still cannot define Anomaly 2 as a Tower Defense style game or a Real-Time Strategy title. In fact it has a mix of both play styles carrying the game on and into our gaming libraries; but should it enter yours?
Lucky for you I had a chance to play Anomaly 2 through both in Campaign and Multiplayer modes of the game. I dug into it so you didn't have to risk the funds on if Anomaly 2 was a decent title or if it fell rather flat instead. Is it just a clone or is it another gem that got lost in the mix of all the other insanity of the gaming industry?
Enough messing around. Here is my video review of Anomaly 2 for the PS4. Check it out and see if you should pick up the game or let it be lost to the nether realm of dead video games.
Anomaly 2 was developed by 11 Bit Studio for the PS4, Windows, and Linux. Anomaly 2 released on September 16th, 2014. A PS4 copy of the game was provided for reviewing purposes. Video recorded by Duke Searles and edited by Julia Schoebel.
Launch Trailer