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Review — V Rising
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Wednesday, 19th of June 2024 - 05:00 PM ]
V Rising We sit down and review V Rising. A new survival game where we take on the role of a vampire building up to kill Dracula. Here is our review of V Rising It feels like we have been waiting oceans of time to get a full version of V Rising out there, and we finally have that. Not just for the PC but also the PS5 after Stunlock Studios has been able to make it out of the Early Access and give us all the ability to play as a new vampire out there. All with a new way to survive a medieval and fantasy world in the mix. Along with some of the fun cameos from other IPs too. Read More...
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V Rising Is Hitting The PlayStation 5 Early This June
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Tuesday, 21st of May 2024 - 07:00 PM ]
V Rising The PS5 release for V Rising is now set down to allow more gamers to enjoy the full version of V Rising Those looking to play V Rising on the PC have had a good chance to do all of that and get a bit of a head start on the PS5 gamers out there. I hope it was worth it all as it looks like that gap in play is coming to an end on June 11th when Stunlock Studios will be bringing the game to the PS5 officially. That way all of those promised some good vampire fun will have that chance with V Rising. So mark those calendars for when you all will be able to team up and head out into this dark new world to do what vampires seem to do best. Read More...
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V Rising Will Have Us All Rising From Our Crypt With The Full Launch
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Thursday, 2nd of May 2024 - 07:00 PM ]
V Rising The launch of V Rising is almost here and we have one more bit of gameplay to look at just before the 1.0 release of V Rising In just under a week from now on May 8th, those waiting for the full release of V Rising will be getting that chance on the PC with the PS5 down the line still. Most likely not too far down the line but Stunlock Studios is still holding that part out. What they are not holding back on is the look at the latest version of V Rising that will be coming with all of the bells, whistles, and updates that we should expect in a title that has gone through so much work up to now. That all said, let us have a look at where the game is and just what to expect in a few days when they unleash the undead further into our gaming world out there. Read More...
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Enter The Ruins Of Mortium With Some New Gameplay For V Rising
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Thursday, 18th of April 2024 - 05:00 PM ]
V Rising We have some new gameplay for V Rising as we are able to wander about another area V Rising will flood with the dead We are all still waiting for May 8th to come and give us the full version of V Rising out there on the PC and PS5. That is still the date that Stunlock Studios has set for us all when it comes to this title. What we do not have to wait for, though, is to see some of that great new gameplay that is on the way. Of course, that is if you are not just playing the Early Access for V Rising as of right now. Read More...
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V Rising Shows Us How We Will Face The Fury Of A Belmont
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Thursday, 11th of April 2024 - 05:00 PM ]
V Rising A bit more gameplay for V Rising is out there to show off how the Castlevania content will function in V Rising With the upcoming Castlevania update coming to V Rising when it launches fully on the PC and PS5, many are wondering how it is going to look and function in the game. We have seen a little bit of a tease before now with Stunlock Studios offering up a few little looks. Well, today, we have a nice long look at how all of this will look in V Rising and how we will be fighting Simon Belmont out there in the world. Get ready for some gameplay and then a little bit of a wait until May 8th comes and we can actually experience all of this for ourselves. Read More...
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V Rising Will Be Bringing Us All More Of The Legacy Of Castlevania
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Thursday, 28th of March 2024 - 05:00 PM ]
V Rising V Rising is getting some new content and fun as we see a spot of Castlevania added in for the fun of V Rising As we all wait for the full version of V Rising to drop out there on the PC and then the PS5, at least in a final form, we can have a look at a new bit coming when May 8th rolls on up. A new bit that will have Stunlock Studios dropping in another classic IP that deals with vampires in the mix. We are going to get a bit of the Legacy Of Castlevania mixed into our V Rising is what we are looking at here. Read More...
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V Rising Has A Date Set For When We Can All Start The Hunt
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Thursday, 14th of March 2024 - 05:00 PM ]
V Rising The release date V Rising on the PC is ready for us all with PS5 gamers needing to wait a bit to experience V Rising The blood will soon flow as we gear up to bring down Dracula with the release of V Rising. A release that has been a while coming and Stunlock Studios finally sees the light at the end of the tunnel with the PC version of the game coming to a full release on May 8th. It is still a bit off, sure, but we have a release date for the PC version. Those who need to wait to play V Rising on the PS5 are going to have to wait until later in 2024 to fully experience the game. Read More...
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Vampires Are Trying To Just Survive In The Reveal For V Rising
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Wednesday, 5th of May 2021 - 05:00 PM ]
V Rising A new survival game, V Rising, is announced here with V Rising placing us in the role of a vampire just trying to survive along the way It is time to mix up the survival game genre a little bit with the announcement and reveal for V Rising that we have here today. Usually, we are playing a basic survivor in a world that is overrun with some other kind of horror and we need to survive all of that. In this one, Stunlock Studios is flipping it a bit as we are playing a newer created vampire in the world of V Rising and we will be surviving all of the humans out there trying to bring us all down. All while we are trying to raise ourselves up to the level of power and fear that many give to Dracula over the many years that he has been rolling around the world drinking blood and slaying everything in the way of all of that. Read More...
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