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Kratos' Fury To Quench Kratos' Rage
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Friday, 29th of January 2010 - 06:08 PM ]
When you have a red, hot rage against the gods like Kratos does, how are you suppose to quench it? A rage that is hotter than the deepest bowles of Tartarus hot. Well with the new Kratos Fury Slurpee being housed in your local Seven Eleven stores in the next week or so. Then you can probably enjoy this Blackberry and Lime flavored frozen delight all the way up until the launch of the game in March. At least that is how it was made to sound from Evan Brody, the Marketing Manager for Slurpee and Big Gulp Brands. To go a bit further for all of this, on each of the four different cups for this promotion there are codes you can input on Slurpee. Read More...
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