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Showa American Story Will Take Us On A Whole Different Kind Of Journey
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Friday, 7th of January 2022 - 10:00 PM ]
Showa American Story A new RPG, Showa American Story, is announced with Showa American Story taking us on a weird stroll through an Alt United States I am all about getting new and unique IPs out in the mix with the normal rehashes and sequels we have, and here we go with Showa American Story. A new RPG coming from 2PGames and NEKCOM for the PS4, PS5, and PC. A new RPG that will take us down an alternate history path where the United States has been bought out by Japan, zombies and monsters roam the lands, and there is a need for an anime-style hero who is cleaning up the streets while searching for her sister. Showa American Story sounds just as insane as the gameplay we have to reveal it all here looks. Read More...
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