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Rock Band Unplugged gets new DLC
by Ben Brody [ Friday, 10th of July 2009 - 06:41 AM ]
Rock Band Unplugged gets 5 new songs added alongside the 14 DLC songs already available via PSN.Dixie Chicks - Sin WagonJonathan Coulton - Still Alive (The Portal Song)The Pixies - Here Comes Your ManREM - Losing My ReligionStevie Ray Vaughan - Pride and JoyAs usual, the songs are all masters and are $1. Read More...
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Rock Band Unplugged gets new DLC
by Ben Brody [ Tuesday, 30th of June 2009 - 05:38 AM ]
Rock Band Unplugged for the PSP got 4 new additions to the Music Store today.Avenged Sevenfold - AfterlifeDream Theater - Constant MotionMotley Crue - Dr. FeelgoodStone Temple Pilots - Sex Type ThingThe price is the standard $1.99 per song, and join the existing 10 songs that have been in the store since the games launch on June 9th.All the tracks (as usual by now) are the master recordings.While sales of Rock Band Unplugged haven't necessarily haven't really gone Triple Platinum, but it's nice to see Harmonix and MTV games support it. Read More...
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Unplugging The Amplitude
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Wednesday, 8th of April 2009 - 05:15 PM ]
Rock Band Unplugged Does anyone else remember a little game Harmonix made oh so long ago called Amplitude? Where you flew a space craft around on different tracks and shot down "notes" to keep the beat, vocals, etc. going on a song playing in the background. You could upgrade and change your avatars and ships based on your scores. Also had some kick ass music that has yet to be fully seen on any of Harmonix's current projects. Ring a bell? Read More...
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