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Reality Is Now Falling Apart With The Launch Of REVEIL
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Wednesday, 6th of March 2024 - 06:00 PM ]
REVEIL The launch day for REVEIL is finally here and there is a bit more of the nightmare here to pull us into the world of REVEIL Things are about to get weirder out there with the launch of REVEIL hitting us on the PS5, Xbox Series X|S, and PC. A launch that has been fought to get to by Pixelsplit and is now here for us to enjoy. As long as you are in the market for a first-person psycho-thriller title out there. Also, a title that will warp the reality around us in the game will give us all some fun escape-room-style puzzles to solve. Read More...
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It Is Time To Showcase Some Of The Terrifying Gameplay For REVEIL
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Wednesday, 7th of February 2024 - 06:00 PM ]
REVEIL Just ahead of the launch for REVEIL, we have a nice long bit of gameplay to show off the horrors coming in REVEIL Things are starting to truly ramp up here for REVEIL now that we are only a month out from the March 6th launch of the game on the PS5, Xbox Series X|S, and PC. Ramping up so much that Pixelsplit took the time to sit down and show off a massive amount of gameplay to the world recently. At least massive in the way of how some of the puzzle elements of REVEIL are going to play out and then how some of the bigger horror sequences are going to function in the game. Grab a snack and get cozy as we gear up to see how this new title is going to seep into our nightmares as well as twist our brains just a bit more than they already are. Read More...
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REVEIL Is Getting Ready To Release This Coming March
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Monday, 22nd of January 2024 - 06:00 PM ]
REVEIL The release date for REVEIL is now ready and we can look for REVEIL to drop out there this coming March It has been a good time coming, but now we are here with the full release date for REVEIL on the PC, PS5, and Xbox Series X|S. This is one that we have all been waiting for since Pixelsplit first dropped the announcement of the game on the world. Now, in just a few short months, we will finally get to experience all of the horrors they have been packing into the game. Mark your gaming boards, as REVEIL is now slated to launch on March 6th of 2024. Read More...
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Walk About The New Horror World A Bit More In REVEIL
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Thursday, 7th of September 2023 - 09:00 PM ]
REVEIL New footage for REVEIL is here and it gives us one more massive look at the terror we might feel when REVEIL launches The world of REVEIL is back once more to give us a darker look at the world that Pixelsplit has been working on. Perfect timing to get us all further prepared for the spooky season that is incoming as well as giving them all something to show the world during Fear Fest 2023 too. I will focus a bit more on the latter since we get new looks at just how we are going to be walking about in the world of REVEIL. I know I will say it every time, but giving me a creepy circus or carnival will always pull me right into the mix of a game no matter how the gameplay functions out there. Read More...
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REVEIL Will Have You Cling To Reality With The Latest Gameplay To See
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Friday, 16th of June 2023 - 05:00 PM ]
REVEIL More gameplay for REVEIL was given to us all during the many live streams with REVEIL taking us deeper into the horrors It is easy to get lost in all of the video dumps going on out there in this weird time of things, but here we are catching another horror title with REVEIL. A nice little title that was shown off for a moment in the Future Games Show that happened. Now we have a better look at what Pixelsplit has been working on to get us here. REVEIL is a narrative-driven horror title that will have us walking around more creepy locations on our PC this year, so it does make sense that we get a taste of it all now. Read More...
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