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Mutant Football League Is Coming To Consoles So Get Your Chainsaws Going
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Tuesday, 2nd of January 2018 - 10:00 PM ]
Mutant Football League The console version of Mutant Football League is set to drop in a few weeks now and will give fans all of the Mutant Football League goodness they have been waiting for It has been a good long while since our consoles have seen Mutant Football and now, after 25 years or so, Mutant Football League is making it back and landing on the PS4 and Xbox One. This would be the same title that Digital Dreams has out there on the PC back in October, but now it is all ready to come to the consoles again and bring all of the high-impact fun there. It was a promise we heard and now it is coming to fruition on January 19th. Read More...
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