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Square Enix's Witch Chapter 0 Shows How Future Final Fantasy Could Look
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Friday, 1st of May 2015 - 09:03 PM ]
During the Microsoft Build Developer Conference Square Enix showed of their Witch Chapter 0 to show the power of DirectX 12 There is no doubt that Square Enix has always been on the leading side of computer graphics and rendering in the gaming world but with their most recent tech demo Witch Chapter 0 [cry] they were able to show off where we can expect to see our next games to go from them. During the Microsoft Build Developer Conference this week showed off said tech demo to show how DirectX 12 can be used to do some truly amazing things visually. In the case of their Witch Chapter 0 [cry] demo it showed how we could get some of the best real-time CG rendering that has been able to pull off a damn impressive CG version of someone crying. Read More...
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