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Goozex Enhances Service With Movie Trading
by Michael Camacho [ Monday, 24th of August 2009 - 12:39 PM ]
Videogame trading website,, launched their brand new movie trading service last Monday, August 17th. The decision to add this service onto the Goozex experience has pleased many of the sites members, and has seen quick success in only a week's time. Members can easily trade DVDs, Blu-Ray, UMDs and even the deceased HD-DVDs, proving that the Goozex Team truly understands its audience. Goozex movie trading uses the same formula as the videogame trading. All movies have a set point price and rise and fall due to supply and demand, and as always it only costs 1 trade credit to receive a movie. Read More...
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Seeing Red Daily
by Kevin [ Wednesday, 19th of August 2009 - 04:05 PM ]
Another contender, albeit an interesting one, in the area of game rental and availability - Redbox, more known for its kiosks which seem to be everywhere from Royal Farms to McDonald's, will now be offering games for the DS, Wii, Playstations 2&3, and Xbox 360 for a sum of $2 nightly. For most gamers, GameFly seems to be the go to source for gaming rentals along with the coveted Goozex for trading and trying out titles. This reminds me of several years ago when the war was between Blockbuster and Hollywood Video. Well, considering I never played a game from Hollywood Video that wasn't scratched, maybe it wasn't much of a war after all. Read More...
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Gaming For Less
by Michael Camacho [ Sunday, 12th of July 2009 - 06:19 PM ]
As the stock market continues its disappointment, unemployment rises, and necessities rise in cost, it is becoming even more difficult for gamers to justify that $60 price tag on most games these days. Luckily for all of us gamers, there are various options to help us stretch our wallet. Whether you are looking to buy new, used or even trade games, I am here to broaden your horizon on various ways to nab a great deal on the game you want. Buying new can be costly, but only if you must have a game the day it comes out. Even then it is not impossible to find some good deals on brand new games. Read More...
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Goozex Ends Trips To The Post Office
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Wednesday, 25th of February 2009 - 07:25 PM ]
GOOZEX INTRODUCES NEW AUTOMATIC SHIPPING SERVICE FOR U.S. GAME TRADES Good news for those of you who enjoy Buying, Selling, or trading games using Goozex. No they are not giving away games for free left and right off the site, but it is up there in the terms of good news. Especially for those lazy gamers who hate having to make trips down to the post office to complete a sell or trade. *Gasp* Lazy gamers, no way! Well the site is now offering you the ability to purchase a USPS shipping label complete with tracking number directly from the website. Read More...
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