For most gamers, GameFly seems to be the go to source for gaming rentals along with the coveted Goozex for trading and trying out titles. This reminds me of several years ago when the war was between Blockbuster and Hollywood Video. Well, considering I never played a game from Hollywood Video that wasn't scratched, maybe it wasn't much of a war after all. Incidentally, the choice of games for the ad doesn't exactly scream to me to use the service, I can understand featuring Mario Kart and the EA titles - though for fans of G-Force and Scene It, perhaps your day has finally come. For the rest of us, however, we'll need to wait until this trial service makes its way out of Reno, Nevada.
A full list of available titles and locations are available here, and include: Madden 2010, Call of Duty: World at War, GRID, InFamous, Killzone 2, UFC: Undisputed, Uncharted: Drake's Fortune, and Dora The Explorer.. riding a unicorn (worth the price of admission alone). It's rumored John Madden also rides a unicorn in cross promotion.