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Godzilla Is Coming To Wreck The Game Awards
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Friday, 5th of December 2014 - 08:00 PM ]
Looks like Godzilla is going to have a showing at the Game Awards as well as a possible North American release for the PS3 title Laugh all you want but it looks like Godzilla will be making and official showing in Las Vegas, NV. I'm of course talking about the game and not the king of the monsters or any of his adversaries. Even in the most recent film for Godzilla the beast never actually stepped foot in the city but it looks like he has changed his mind about destroying Sin City. I think that is enough joshing around. Read More...
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It Looks Like There Is A New Godzilla Game Coming To The PS3
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Thursday, 26th of June 2014 - 07:00 PM ]
Namco Bandai has announced Godzilla coming to the PS3 in Japan this winter No, this isn't a late announcement for Godzilla as the most recent "reboot" has already come and gone from theaters here in North America. It is an announcement for Godzilla that will be coming to PS3s in Japan though. Hopefully in other regions without the need for modding or hacking the hardware but there have been no announcements to date. In fact, there isn't even all that much short of the following trailer and a few bits from Famitsu. Here is what is known so far for all you foreign readers or hopeful locals. Read More...
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