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Review: Knights Contract
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Monday, 21st of March 2011 - 09:26 PM ]
It is time to travel back to the early Burning Times. A time when religious superstition and fears drove many good and innocent people to the gallows or to a public burning at the stake. A time depicted and twisted for Game Republic and Namco Bandai's most recent endeavor, Knights Contract. In Knights Contract you play Heinrich Hofmann, an experienced witch-executioner plagued by a curse of immortality, who charged with the task of protecting a witch by the name of Gretchen as she attempts to save the world. The world is being threatened by a mad scientist, named Dr. Faust, who is trying to gain the same curse Heinrich has, as well as rid the world of witches all together. Read More...
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Knights Contract Slips Out Between Killzone 3 And Bulletstorm
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Wednesday, 23rd of February 2011 - 04:50 PM ]
With the huge hype for both Bulletstorm and Killzone 3 it is a little easy to see how this gem I've been watching fall through the crack of attention. The gem being Knights Contract for those who have not been following along over the last month. Also for those who refuse or don't read the titles of the articles we post here on AggroGamer. But that is splitting skulls hairs I guess. Well Knights Contract launched yesterday amongst the two giant FPS games none the less. Read More...
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Getting Your Fight On In Knights Contract
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Monday, 14th of February 2011 - 09:23 PM ]
Maybe it is just me, but I am looking forward to Knights Contract. It doesn't seem to be picking up much attention from any one at all but every time I see something new I get even more interested in what is going on with this game. Maybe it is the rehashing of old IPs that is downing out Knights Contract. Have we all given into the nostalgia bull shit so much that we are not willing to give a second glance to an original IP? Well if you are not pining over the latest Marvel Vs. Read More...
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